Olothando:He's Heart 13

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Now that I know that Nandi will be here, I feel super nervous, I'm scared what If she doesn't like me what if she's like an evil daughter or something?I'm sitting in the GARDEN, On the grass with my legs crossed.
"Whats Wrong baby khuluma nami"
ME:I'm just feeling nervous and scared.
HIM:of a 10year old
I look at him.
ME:whose your child yes, I'm scared
HIM:calm down, Nandipha is a nice child, stufuza kababa, trust me she's not what you imaging her to be, she's going to love you okay,she's going to love you just as much as I love you angithi baby?
ME:if you say so.
HIM:mbaa kancane?
I lean in to give I'm a peck and this guy pulls me in for a full kiss?Haibo!
Whej we stop I giggle and look at him
ME:you said a mbaa mos?
HIM:haii suka, you enjoyed it oksalayo, let's go get ready to see Nomandia tuu, yeke ukung'tshela udoti.

I'm dead with laughter, yoh this man of mine.



We just had late lunch,since Zakhele and Philani arrived late, Philani seems offish not as off as we are but I'm sensing a bit of darkness in him, I think it's time I get active again in the underworld, I'll contact uSpikiri tonight to tell my gang that I'll be coming in soon again, my gut tells me something about Philani isn't good man and I just feel the need to protect Thando and Nandi with everything in me for as long as Philani is around.

Nomandia is not well, she just isn't speaking but funny enough she's was willing to speak to Olothando, I'd expect that though my wife has a very welcoming aura surrounding her and my family loves her but Philani is acting much like a dick towards her and I hope I don't lose my cool in front of my daughter or MaZulu because when I do hell will break lose,he better behave.

My baby girl just arrived and myself and Olo were waiting for her outside, she's so nervous her hands are sweating, the minute Jomo helps her out the car and she sees me she loses it and she runs to me I meet her half way, I don't want get falling my baby is a bit plump,I'd like to think that it's just baby fat, even if it's not that's okay, it makes her look way more adorable. I meet her halfway and carry her and she's hugging me so tight, ahh I missed her so much.


This is really a cute moment and omg Nandipha is so adorable nkos'yam! that baby fat makes her look way more cuter than she us already. She's prettier than her pictures.She's even crying that's how much she missed her father, Phiwa wipes her tears and they walking towards me and I go down to her level when I greet her...
ME:Sawubona sisi
I'm so nervous, damn.
NANDI:Hello Aunty.
She says with a little wave she looks so shy bakithi.
ME:unjani sisi?
NANDI:Ngya'phila, you so pretty.
She says touching my face and she looks up at her dad and says in a very tiny voice...
"Baba, umama?"
Eh and this gent tells her I'm her mommy and she hugged me so tightly, I got a fuzzy feeling, she gives the best hugs and I hugged her just a tight.
I hold her hand and we walk into the house with her very tightly holding my hand and when she sees her granny she loses it and excitedly screams for joy!
"Gogozi wami!"
QUEEN:Sawubona Nkosazane yam enhle
NANDI:Sawubona Khulu
She gets shy again, I'm not surprised the King does have that thing about him that makes you shy when you speak to him
KING:Sawubona wena stufuza

The royal help brought a cleaned sleepy Nandipha to PHIWA's wing of the palace and she says she wanted her mommy and daddy, well Phiwayinkosi has been on a phone call ang'mazi wenzani, so I put the princess in the middle of the bed and later I hear him come into bed.
HIM:when did she get here?
ME:when you were on a call
HIM:So I can't hold you tonight even?
ME:You so rhetorical.
Obviously he can't haai, naye and really tired I want to sleep.
HIM:Ulele lomuntu.



Me and Phiwa are up and we looking at a Nandipha whose having a nightmare,I can't watch this anylonger so I wake her and she screams a bit and looks at me and says...
"I'm sorry, I won't scream again, don't let me sleep in the floor please."
What the actual fuck is going on? This definitely has to do with that school. I take her and carry her off the bed and I notice I'm wet and so is she, she peed herself. I look at Phiwa
ME:Can you take the bedding off and leave the mattress open, we'll sleep in the other room tonight.
I take her to the bathroom, clean her up and clean myself up and change us into new pyjamas and put in bed and I tuck us in bed.
He comes in later and he takes her and hugs her, she looks at him and says "daddy I can't sleep"
he looks at me like he doesn't know what to do.
ME:How about cookies and warm milk?
He gets out of bed and 10min he's back we silently have the snack with her,I take her to the toilet one last time, wash our hands and when we get back into bed she lays her head on my chest and sucks on her thumb and I'm playing with her hair, she finally falls asleep, with her thumb in her mouth and head on my chest, it's a habit I'll work on ending. I look at him he looks pissed, I'm just as pissed and I say to him in low but angry tone...
"BULLYING AND TRAUMA IS WHY YOU NEVER TAKE A BABY TO BOARDING SCHOOL! what did you think? She's 10 years old and old enough to be in boarding in school? you better pray this doesn't mess her up for the rest of her life like how my demon's did, I'm 26 years older and dealing with old time demons and that better not be the same case with Nandipha!how ignorant could you be?"


Olothando is livid with me, I feel like shit already about Nomandia and then my princess comes back home having nightmares?MaGumede's words cut deep.
Am I that bad at this parenting thing? Thando is so much better than I am and I'm happy my girls are warming up to each other, I'm going to make sure that Royal Academy pays and pays hard.
I shouldn't have taken her to boarding school!
FUUUUCCK! everything is just piling up,I need to get back to the underworld real quick!

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