Chapter 0 : A Different World (revised)

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3rd Person POV

"Ugh... where am I?" A voice belonged to a young man, as he opened his eye, feeling a little dazed.

As he standing, he looked around to see himself in a forest.

He realized he was near a little pond of water, which then he proceed to wash his face to freshen himself up. Looking at the reflection of himself, wearing a Black Outfit and his black hair, plus the broken moon in the sky. He then realized something is wrong, no, everything is wrong.

???'s POV

"Wait, why is the moon broken? and this... isn't my face... 

Wait... I know this face."

This face.... it was the face of someone I knew too well, it was still a little vague, but I know who he is.

This young man was a central part of a story, a story about a war, caused by a curse that last over for a long time, and in the end... the curse was ended, but at what cost... 

This face that I have.. he is Rean Schwarzer, the Ashen Chevalier himself! 

Wait, something doesn't add up... why am I in the body of Rean?? Wait....

Hold up...

Who am I?

Why the hell can't I remember who I am?!

Yet.. I know who he is and his full story... 

This.. doesn't make any sense!! Hell, where is Rean's soul?! Or is this just me in his body?!

I...need to calm down. Deep breaths... okay, first thing first, I need to know where I am first. Judging by the clothes I'm wearing, it was his black outfit from when that war happened which caused by that curse, but the hair is black which doesn't add up to what happened to him at that time. 

Checking my clothes, I realized that inside the pocket, it was something familiar. The 5th generation Battle Orbment, infact it was the upgraded version, the ARCUS II, which makes me able to use magic.

Opening it, I looked at the Quartz gem that was available, the only thing I understand was the Master Quartz that was inserted there, the Brigid and Minotaurus, I can't really remember what their specific use, but all I know was their ability is to increase the frequency of the usage of abilities used and increasing the overall physical ability of the user.

Looking around I noticed on a ground near the place where I collapsed, a particular sword.. a tachi used by Rean himself. As I picked it up it occur to me, 

How strange...

'I'm sure I am not Rean himself.. yet this sword... feels familiar, infact I think this should proved something.' which then I pulled out the sword from it's sheath then prepared a stance.

And as I swinging the blade trying to test it, I felt how familiar it was to me, how to use the sword, what moves should I execute next, it feels like I understand the foundation of Rean swordmanship, the infamous Eight Leaves One Blade, which obiviously, even if the real me doesn't know how to do those movements. 

But even with the knowledge, some movement was still limited to me, maybe because I wasn't too familiar about it after all. 

I can try it... but for know, I need to keep going to understandwhere am I. And judging by the moon, big chances are, I'm not in Erebonia or Zemuria on that matter.

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