Class in Session!

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A/N : Maybe from now on, I'll be using a 3rd POV instead. Plus i've changed some part of the chapter 0, enjoy.

3rd POV

"Phew, that's enough for it I guess" Rean said to himself, stopping his training. A little bit exhausted.

He was waking up early and goes to the cliffside, which he tries his abilities and techniques, after all today was the day that he helps teach the students of Beacon about combat, so he familiarize his new body, trying all the abilities of the original Rean had.

"So far I've been able to use some of his crafts, some of his ultimate abilities was hard though for me to execute, including the 7th form of Eight Leaves One Blade signature moves." He thought to himself.

He thought all night even if he was able to kill the previous Grimm, it would have been naive to think that he can use all of Rean's ability, and to that matter his guess was spot on. He found out by trying to try his body capabilities on early morning. It makes sense that he can't access all of the body current abilities, after all it wasn't his true body, which makes him thinking that he needs to train himself if he wants to use the full power that was within him.

He was also trying to train how to use the arts which was the magical powers from his battle orbment, and he gain some interesting results. Even if the arts looked powerful, it won't always packed quite a punch. And using arts felt like some energy was drained from him, the energy itself wasn't exactly his stamina, it was something else. Which he concludes that he needs to use them sparely, and he was also trying to test the theory, can the arts become more powerful if he trains it also. But before doing that he needs to find a way to replenish his energy for using arts. 

"Still, I think today progress was pretty good, I don't know how powerful these students was so training here is the right choice for me."

He was in an unfamiliar world, which even with yesterday tour by himself, he's still not used to it. And to add, he haven't seen the abilties of the people here and even the full abilities of the Grimms so he doesn't underestimate anything even if Rean's body were pretty powerful.

But the number one question still remains, why is he in Rean's body, why is he able to use even Valimar. He remembers that at the end of Rean story were two possibilities, which in the end he was able to stop the conflict with his friends. in which the Curse of Erebonia was erradicated, the curse itself affected the entire country and makes people suddenly motivated to do any strife, war, and other atrocities and was already at the start of a great war. But the methods of ending it were different.

One was a good outcome which the problem ended in a happy ending even it there are the aftermath. But the which Rean himself sacrificed himself to take it to himself the entire curse out of the country, or maybe from his world.

And judging that the first time he awake with the current outfit being the black one while he wears on that conflict and the appearance of Valimar itself makes him really worried, thinking along the line.

"Is the curse, or worse, the mastermind... is in this world?" He muttered to himself.

He afraid the possibilities of that being the truth, but he tries to not overthinking that for now because of two things.

One, he was only recently arrived in this world and he haven't heard any news about any conflict or the likes of it which he don't need to act at all at the current time.

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