Free Roaming Around

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Rean POV's

"Is it okay for me to get money this early? I haven't even done the job yet" I answered to Ozpin as he gives me some of it which was called Lien, it's weird how it was just basicly stacks of plastic cards. Not gold coins like Mira.

"Yes, after all you did have few possession, so it's better if you used it to buy some clothes and items for your daily livelihood. " He said with a slight smile. 

Apparently after I woken up and got to Ozpin office, I was given some money to buy some items in the town. Today was day-off, so there are no class yet till tomorrow.

"Thank you very much then." I answered to him.

"You're welcome, ah by the way, how's your accomodations? is it to your liking?"

"Yes they were good, the room was comfortable. And the Scroll you've given me has been quite useful" I said. 

I did have some time to check the function of the Scroll, apparently it was almost the same as ARCUS II, it can be used as a normal telecomunication device, it can takes photo, used for sending message, and it has some gaming applications, which I haven't checked yet. The map function however only can be used on the academy grounds.

"I'm glad it was to your liking, now why don't you try to familiarize yourself? Maybe walk around the academy? " He suggested. 

"Yeah, that was my initial plan, maybe I'll even familiarize myself around the city. By the way, where is Glynda" I asked him.

"She was working on papers for you position, after all tomorrow you're going to start teaching."

"Makes sense, I'll be leaving then, see you later, Principal Ozpin" I said as I leave his office.

"Yes, see you later, Rean" 

---a few moments later---

Walking around the campus, I've got to say, this place is bigger than Thors, the main avenue was ginormous, it has a big road on the middle of it which connects to the gate to the main building. There was also a tall Beacon Tower, which near it was a CCT  which can be used as a wireless  communication device to other kingdoms. It was impressive that this school has this much facilities. It has a a large, formal dining room running down the length of a cloister-like hall. A Normal Library which some student were there studying most likely, it even has it's own ballroom. As I walked around, I stumbled upon a cliffside that overlooks the city across the sound. At the top edge of the cliffside are several large, circular aerial docking bays, must be used for those airship.

'Thought while I'm here I want to try something...' I muttered, which then I touched my outfit, focusing on it, when suddenly a light covered my outfit, which suddenly changed into a different white outfit. 

"Huh, as I expected, apparently I can changed the Black outfit with a White outfit that Rean previously used that were given by his sister which was infused by the Hexen clan magic. Must've been the magic additional abilities" 

It got me thinking, what happened to his families and friends, were they okay after the Great Twilight?? 

'Gah...I need to focus, I can think about that later,I should continue exploring first ' I thought to myself as I continued walking around.

As I explored the interior of the academy , I passed one of it's the lecture hall which has quite a small mess of papers, inside of it was one of the teacher. I approached and greeted him. Apparently his name was Bartholomew Oobleck and he teaches history, he has this quick manner of speaking and his extreme hyperactivity. His love for coffee and how he has green haired and of course wear glasses reminds me of Machias, but he has a tendency to talk too much when discussing history which reminds me of Lysander a lot. 

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