~ [3] Blanket Fort

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- third year -

To follow the strict rules of their contract, they had to get creative in order to see each other. Most of the time, it was sneaking into darkened hallways in-between (sometimes even during) their classes for a heated make-out session or just to steal a quick kiss while their classmates passed by none-the-wiser, which made Tedros rather cocky as he enjoyed pushing the limits of their relationship and Agatha was going to have so much fun once she won this whole 'keeping of the secret' aspect. Furthermore, since most of their dates, if they could even be called such, couldn't happen out in the open, they mainly happened in Agatha's room in the dead of night after everyone was supposedly asleep in their own beds. Tedros would then abscond off to, in the words of his roommates, "bed yet another princess because damn he was a fucking beast".

Needless to say, Agatha didn't find it as funny when he told her what they were saying.

Annoyingly, she turned him away to "correct his mistakes" which had him confused the entire night until he realized how dehumanizing (if that was even a word) the sentence sounded. It then made him wonder how it made Agatha feel, remembering one of her afterglow rants about how she was expected to be a damsel and nothing more. He was always careful from that point on about how he spoke about the other princesses, specifically Agatha but didn't really bother to correct his roommates. He did mention in passing that he didn't want the princesses referred to in such a manor, citing something innocuous Pollux had said about respect going both ways before leaving to go to Agatha's room when they began to scoff and mock him for "paying attention in class".

Tonight was no exception to the banter that he received from his roommates. It was rather suspicious in the grand scheme of things. The few who were awake at the ungodly hour watched with mild fascination as he grabbed blankets and pillows from his bed before slipping out of the dorm room relatively unnoticed, the pixies having fallen for his discreetly laid snacks and drinks that were enchanted by Agatha's unfairly semi-powerful magic (which really made him question the validity of her statement of being a witch because no witch could look that nice, yet no princess could be that powerful). There was no time for second guessing his princess's heritage, nor to celebrate the victory over the rather annoying pixies, however because distractions only worked for so long. So, it was with a newfound speed that he snuck up the Purity tower's stairs into the room that held Agatha, and Agatha alone, in residence.

"It's about time." Agatha whispered once he opened her door and slipped inside, seeming to choke laugh as he dropped everything he was holding at his feet and giving her one of his blinding smiles. "I was about to just go to sleep." She continued, standing up and plodding over to his amassed collection of bedding with a raised brow. "Wow. It's almost like you've never spent the night in my room before. Do I really kick that hard? You know I have a second bed, right? The one that was abandoned in favour of Reena's room?"

"Firstly, yes, you do kick that hard. Secondly, I am well aware you have a second unused bed. Thirdly, I brought these over for a blanket fort." He replied, smiling again as he gestured to the pile with pride. Agatha lifted a brow, shifting her weight as she continued to assess what it was he brought over.

"You brought over your own bedding for a blanket fort...when I have not one, but two beds full of blankets, pillows, and duvets?" She eventually said, unimpressed by his collection of blue bedding. He couldn't help the frown that appeared on his face, upset that she was right, as she always was. He was originally so happy to have come up with the idea. She seemed to notice the falling of his face because she sighed and stepped around the pile on the floor to hug him, pressing a kiss to his jaw in apology. "I'm sorry. I've just had a really long day. Now we can build an extra extra large blanket fort. A blanket castle if you will." She gave him a small smile.

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