[1] Swimming

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- first year -

"You are aware that I have the swimming capabilities of a drowning rat, right?" Agatha's voice held some level of hesitancy as she glanced over her shoulder before peering back down at the clear waters below the cliff. "I seriously might drown or melt right when I come into contact with the water. You know Elphaba right? She melted and she didn't even begin in Evil. I could be the next Elphaba, you dumbass." She continued.

"But you aren't the next Elphaba." Tedros tossed her a blinding smile as he peered over the edge of the cliff as well before stepping back and unbuckling his sword belt. "And I'm an amazing swimmer. If you start to drown, I'll save you and we can just make-out in the cave or something." He shrugged like it was no big deal before shucking his shirt over his head. 

"Sounds romantic." Agatha grumbled, turning away to hide her blush when he waltzed back over to her with his shirt, sword, and boots in hand. 

"I try." He responded, ignoring her sarcasm as he continued to look at the surroundings of the cliff. "Where do you think I can hide this stuff? I don't want some Never to get their greasy fingers over Excalibur because cleaning this blade is a bitch." He seemed to contemplate a rock before moving over to a bush and looking at her like he was silently asking her opinion on his hiding place.

"Hear me out, you could keep your sword, shirt, and shoes on and we can just make-out in the woods or something. That way, I won't have to drown and you won't have to worry about your sword being tarnished." She offered, taking a step back from the cliff and walking over to him to look at the new hiding place he had moved to, clearly ignoring her suggestion. He tossed her a passive look before shoving his belongings into the hollowed-out area of a tree he had found.

"Hey! I didn't complain when you made us tramp through a swamp to collect frogs so the least you can do is try swimming!" He walked back over to the cliff and turned back to her. "We agreed that we would each come up with a date idea and it's my turn! It's rule number eight!" He continued and narrowed his eyes at her. 

"I regret making that rule. I say we ixnay it." She crossed her arms and threw the sassy look back.

"Nope, not happening. I was scratching muck off my boots for weeks and I had to come up with an excuse as to why they were muddy!" 

"That's weird. No one was asking why I was covered in mud." Agatha tilted her head, looking down at her still muddied clumps that she had deemed part of her uniform.

"Agatha, everyone thinks you crawled from the ground like an undead witch. You could show up with a newt on your shoulder, twigs in your hair, and mud on your shoes, legs, and skirt and no one would ask questions." He rolled his eyes with a grimace.

"No need to look so disgusted, lover boy. I was talking about the fact we were both muddy and no one asked me why you were muddy. I get that the other Evers think I'm an ugly duckling...still don't know what made you change your mind, by the way...but isn't it odd of Good's Greatest Prince and Most Eligible Bachelor--"

"I'm not the most eligible bachelor though...I'm not even eligible!" He interrupted, crossing his arms across his chest with a smug look. 

"They don't know that." Agatha snapped, rolling her eyes in return. "Anyway, as I was saying, wouldn't it have been strange if you, Good's Golden Boy, showed up just as dirty and Good's Greatest Witch?" She rose a brow.

"What makes you think they didn't ask me?" Tedros made another face and shook his head once more. "People are scared of you, Agatha. Now, stop stalling and take off your shoes and socks. We're going to go swimming whether you like it or not."

"I could kill you, you know?" She ground out, leveling her sassy look into one of her death glares before reaching down to pull off her shoes and socks when he shot her one in return.

"You love me too much and it's rule number three. We can't kill each other until someone finds out about us." He smiled when she took off her shoes and socks, padding her way over to him and twisting her skirt in her fingers. She was really regretting letting him get a say in the contract because it was evident that he had paid more attention than she had given him credit for. She didn't even think he was capable of retaining that much information. 

"I'm going to make so many amendments if I die." Agatha grumbled before reaching out and grabbing Tedros's hand. 

"If your dead, you can't make amendments." Tedros pointed out as he smiled at their joined hands. 

"I know necromancy." Agatha shrugged before sighing and peering over the edge once more. "Anyway, are we jumping or not?" She continued.

"I thought you'd never ask." Tedros said with a smile before slipping his arm around her waist and jumping off, pulling her with him and laughing at her screech as she clung to him. He'd never admit he wanted to do this, just so she would hold onto him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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