[2] Summer Day

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- second year -

It was a sunny day, one that seemed bright enough to allow the professors to relax their rigorous studies to send the students out into the forest to put different skills to test. What the professors didn't (or perhaps they did) know, was that no student, Good or Evil, was actually practicing their powers or maneuvers in favor of basking in the sun or lurking in the shadows, relieved to just have a break. It was a precarious peace between the rivalling schools, neither side bothering the other in favour of fully utilizing the welcome laze that had settled over them as they played with friends or chatted idly with their respective friends, animals, and henchmen about summer plans. 

They ended up in one of the lakes that he had found deep in the woods during one of his intense swordplay lessons that involved running through the woods. It was a pointless activity in his mind, but occasionally he would stumble across jackpots like this and memorize the path towards it so that he and Agatha could get alone time outside of the castle or typical classes. It was one of the few things he would never tell anyone, not unless he wanted to keep the relationship going. It was as if everyone wanted to know who his mysterious woman was, and as per their contract, said relationship would have to remain a secret.  

"Are we almost there?" Agatha piped up as she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him under the wide brim of her hat. "I really hope, for your sake, that this isn't some ploy to 'get our steps in'. I thought I made it pretty clear that I'm fit enough and don't have any desire to become all buff like you."

"Almost. Just around that bend up there." Tedros said, offering her a smile.

"I'm literally melting here, Tedros." 

"For someone who's not a princess, you complain an awful lot like they do."

"Keep it up and I'll show you just how princess-like I can be as I rip out your entrails and feed them to the coyotes." 

"Kinky. You know, I think Pocahontas*'s mother was into that."

"You annoy me." 

"Yeah, yeah. I lo-uh-you annoy me as well." Tedros blushed, hoping she didn't catch the near slip. "Uh...we're here." He continued as he stepped aside and gestured to the little oasis he had stumbled across. He couldn't help but smile when her eyes widened, marvel crossing her face before she steeled it once more.

"Nice, I guess." She shrugged. "I don't know if it was worth the hour walk in this heat though." She continued, stepping forward and making her way to the water's edge. "It looks enchanted. How do you know I'm not going to burn upon contact?" 

"You've swam with me before and were just fine." He pointed out. 

"I seem to remember almost drowning." Agatha looked at him from over her shoulder.

"I saved you." Tedros reminded her. "This lake isn't even as deep as the other one. The deepest part goes up to my abdomen."

"What if I trip and bash my head open on the rocks?" Agatha pressed, crouching down to look at the frogs that were swimming in the shallow part of the lake. 

"I think drowning would be the least of your worries if you bash open your head." Tedros pointed out, setting down the picnic basket he was holding. "Do you want to have lunch now? Or would you prefer to go swimming?" He continued, pulling out the picnic blanket and spreading it on the grass. She'd want to eat first, he was sure of it. Agatha always told him that food was her only true love and he believed it. No prince he knew could go through a plate of pasta as fast as Agatha could. 

"What?" Agatha called back, sounding further away than she should've been. He turned around and raised a brow before both of his brows rose in shock. He felt his cheeks heat up as his heart began to beat faster as he watched her. She was already in the water, wading deeper in the lake. The water was already up to her knees, soaking the hem of her dress. Her awful clumps that she insisted on wearing were tied over her shoulder. He continued to watch her as she smiled, a laugh coming from her as she danced her fingers over the lake, most likely playing with the fish that he was sure were darting between her legs. 

"I--uh--" He felt his face heat up more when she gave him a weird look. "I meant--well--food." He decided, gesturing to the picnic basket once more. "You're hot--I mean--it's hot--so--uh--we should...you know...eat." He coughed, looking away from her and sitting down on the blanket and began to pull out the foods he had grabbed from the dining hall.

"Are you alright?" Agatha asked, slowly beginning to wade back to the shore. "You're not experiencing heat stroke or anything, are you?" She continued, looking back down as she seemed to quicken her pace at the thought of him passing out. 

"Uh...no?" He shook his head and turned to look at her again. "I'm just--uh--hungry." He continued, taking a breath to try and calm his racing heart when she looked up at him, her eyes glancing back down to the rocks she was trying to navigate her way back to the shore. He cleared his throat and quickly reached back into the basket and pulled out the plates. 

"Okay..." Agatha said slowly in response. "I hope you know that if you pass out, I'm leaving you here." She continued and he hoped she didn't notice his wince. "You're too heavy to carry back." She then explained, something that made him glance at her when his heart slowed to the point it nearly stopped. She had never said something like that, something unrelated to their contractual relationship before. He looked a little closer, trying to discern if she was blushing or if it was just hot when she slipped.

"Shit." He quickly jumped to his feet and rushed into the water where she fell. "Are you okay?" He asked, scooping her up into his arms. He held on tighter when she flailed a bit, knocking him in the nose, not that he really noticed.

"I--uh..." She panted as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"Agatha? Are you alright?" He asked again when she stared at him. 

"Yeah." She breathed, looking at him. "Um...I'm fine." She whispered, breathing heavily. "But...could you put me down? So that I can uh...get my hat?" She continued, flushing a darker red when he continued to hold her. 

"Oh...yeah." He nodded and set her down. "Sorry. We should probably go back to the shore...to eat..." He said. "Um...be careful walking back. It's slippery."

"Understood." Agatha said as she quickly turned around. "I'll see you there. Can't let good pasta go to waste now can we?" 

*i am aware that pocahontas was a real person and disney vastly misconstrued her story. this is just for the sake of it as well as a little bit of the ever after song 

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