Fated (His POV)

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Chrome Martinez's Point of View

"Are you really sure about your decision? You can still back out. I'll understand you." I said.

"Why does it seems like you are having doubts? Don't you love me?" She glaringly retorted. I just shook my head as I heard my sister answer.

"You know you are not the one I am asking, right?" I saw her rolled eyes at me.

"I am sure of my decision, Chrome. One hundred percent." Kris then looks at my sister. "I love her, and I know that marrying her will be the best decision I ever made in my life." He then crossed the distance between them and kissed her lips. After it, I saw my sister sticking her tongue out at me. I just snickered; well, at least she is not our problem anymore.

"Why are you even asking them that question?" The girl at my side questions me, I look at her, and I just find myself smiling because of her reaction.

"Just making sure. I know my sister too much, and I don't want Kris to suffer." I told her.

"Wow. Is Kris your sibling now? As far as I know, I am. So, why are you worried about him and not me?" Brianna annoyingly stated, making me look at her side, and she was fuming mad now.

"Well, you are the problem for the two of you."

"Chrome." The girl at my side stopped me; I just laughed.

"You are so annoying, Kuya!" Brianna shouted.

"Babe, your voice. I know we are in a club, but others could still hear you." Kris stopped her fiancé as she was about to go after me. Yes, they are now getting married, and we are currently here in a private club for their joint Bachelorette and Bachelor's party. Well, they were supposed to have different parties and venues, but Kris just decided to have one party as he probably knows what my sister will do if he's not at her side, and he is not wrong. I heard them talking about hiring male dancers. I just shook my head thinking about that idea.

"Are you okay? What's the problem?" I look at my side and smile at her.

"Of course, I'm fine. I just remember how I heard my sister talking about hiring male dancers." I emphasized the male dancers for Kris to hear. I snickered when I saw Kris look at my sister.

"So you are really planning? You said you didn't." Kris seriously asked my sister.

"It was just an idea." My sister awkwardly laughs, hugging him, trying to console Kris. She then looks at my side and glares.

"You really won't let Brianna breathe." She commented.

"What? It's funny." I just told her and laughed at my sister, who was now acting pitiful in front of her fiancé.

"You're so childish, Chrome." She then said and just drank her drink.

"You've been drinking since earlier. Can you still handle it?" I asked her; she's been drinking since we arrived.

"Did you really ask me that? As in me? Of course, I can." She then smirks and gets another glass of alcohol. I just shook my head at her and just looked at the couple's side again.

"Brianna." I felt my world stop when I heard that voice. The club is loud, but that voice stood out to me, when I looked at the side of where the voice came from. Everything is in slow-motion; she is walking toward us. A girl with short blonde hair, wearing a black fitted minidress, looking so ethereal, is walking in our direction. I closed my eyes, thinking I was just hallucinating, but she was still there when I opened my eyes. I could still see her face. I looked around, and it wasn't just me whom she caught attention. It was like a movie when the heroine entered the facility. The whole club stopped moving, all eyes were on her, and even the music stopped.

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