Chapter 2

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The taxi ride to the airport seemed to take forever and wasn't helped by her phone constantly going off. She was sure the taxi driver must have wondered what was going on, especially as she wasn't responding to any texts or calls. The majority of them were from her Brother, but there were a couple mixed in from her best friend meaning that her Brother had contacted him to find out if he knew where she was. The thought of switching off her phone crossed Anne's mind, but she figured that would cause more issues later on.

As soon as she got the airport Anne headed straight to the ticket desk. She figured the quicker she bought a ticket the quicker she could head through to departures giving more space between her and anyone who was looking for her. As she approached the desk she noticed there was no queue and breathed a sigh of relief.

'Good evening Miss how can I help you today?'

'I'm looking to buy a ticket for the 9.15pm flight to San Francisco tonight. Are there seats left on the flight?'

'Let me just check for you' she smiled 'Yes, there are some seats left. Do you have a preference on where you are seated?'

'As far back as possible would be good. If I could be beside the window too that would be great'

'No problem, I can seat you in 42F. When do you plan on returning?'

'I'm not sure yet. It's just a one-way ticket I need'

'No problem. In that case it will be $400 for the flight and I'll need to see your passport'

As Anne handed over her documents and the money she felt a wave of emotion come over her. She suddenly felt overwhelmed at leaving her family, especially as she knew they would protect her if they found out what had been going on. In particular, her brother would probably kill her boyfriend for even thinking about touching her. As she thought about what she was leaving behind her boyfriends threat came crashing to the front of her mind and she told herself that despite her own feelings she had to leave to protect her family.

'Here is your boarding pass Miss. Boarding starts at around 8.30pm from gate 15'

'Thank you for your help'

'Have a nice flight'

Anne headed through security and into departures as quickly as she could. She grabbed something to eat and drink before finding a secluded area to wait until her flight was called. She knew her Brother had probably checked flight manifests for her name and would be on his way to the airport. Her only hope was that they wouldn't let him through security, but the reality was he would find a way through.

The couple of hours that she sat waiting for her flight to be called were awful. She jumped every time her phone went and just about every time someone went past. In addition, her ribs were starting to hurt but she didn't want to take her pain killers as they made her drowsy. Just as she thought things couldn't get any worse an announcement came over the tannoy system saying that her flight had been delayed due to an issue with the inbound aircraft.

Anne was tired; emotional; and in pain, she didn't know whether she was coming or going. She must have looked a sight because the next thing she knew an airport staff member came over.

'Are you alright Miss? You don't look well'

'I'm fine thank you. I'm just tired and eager to get on my flight'

'Are yo my sure? That's a nasty looking cut above your eye, have you had it checked by a doctor?'

'A doctor has checked the cut and it's just a superficial wound. It's not a big deal'

'Even so I would prefer it if you would let one of our doctors examine you to assess if you are fit to fly'

'Is that really necessary. I mean I was checked out at the hospital this afternoon and they had no significant concerns'

'Did they know you planned to fly today?' Anne shook her head no 'In that case, I really must insist that you are checked otherwise I cannot let you board the plane. It won't take up too much of your time'

Anne reluctantly followed the staff member so she could be assessed by the airport doctor. She didn't see the point, but knew if she didn't then there was no chance of her being allowed to fly.

The doctor eventually assessed her as fit to fly, but not before he had spoke to the hospital staff who had attended to her that afternoon. It was a relief because at one point it had looked like to was going to say she was unfit.

As Anne walked back to the gate, fit to fly certificate in hand, she was stopped in her tracks when she saw her Brother heading straight for the gate. Fortunately he didn't see her and she was able to dive into the toilets without being seen.

Anne McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now