Chapter 1

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Travis was pacing. Emmett was trying so hard to make him sit down and wait patiently, but he was having none of it.

To be fair, both men were extremely anxious. They had chosen that day as the day they'd finally ask Vic to help them to have a baby, something that they both came to a mutual agreement so fast, though after a little bit of Emmett convincing Travis.

They both knew they wanted to have a biological child in some way, but Travis didn't really think that was possible until Emmett brought up asking Vic to be their egg donor and surrogate. While they had never talked to Vic about it before, Travis definitely knew she'd be willing to do anything in her power to allow her two best friends to have a child. But, there was still some anxiety there for him. He knew she loved her job. She was itching to get back to work after her heart attack - she did go back too early, however, but that wasn't the point. There was this one voice in the back of his head that told him she'd say no because she didn't want to be off of work for that long, which was why any time Emmett started the conversation about Vic being a part of the baby process, Travis immediately shut it down.

Until one day, after Travis and Vic responded to an Aid Car call involving a very pregnant woman, it just changed his mind. Seeing the way Vic talked to the woman, assuring her they'd get her to the hospital in time to have the baby (which they did), something in Travis just knew that he wanted Vic to be in his baby's life more than being the fun Aunt. And he couldn't wait to tell Emmett the great news.

"What if she says no?" Travis panicked.

Before Emmett could respond, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." He told Travis, who was definitely not in a state to open the door and face his best friend.

In walked Vic and Theo, them taking a seat in the living room almost immediately. Travis rushed out into the kitchen to make drinks for the pair.

"What's up with him?" Vic asked.

"Oh, he's just extremely nervous. We have something to ask you, and you know him..." Emmett laughed and shook his head.

He walked in about 10 minutes later with two mugs of coffee, handing one to their two guests, before sitting down next to Emmett and bouncing his leg up and down.

"Spit it out, Montgomery." Theo deadpanned.

Raising his eyebrows, he shook his head. "Spit what out? I have nothing to ask you. Nothing at all."

Emmett looked at him with such a weird look on his face. "You're annoying. Just ask her."

"Okay, fine." He took a deep breath and went and sat next to Vic, taking her hand. "So, Emmett and I have been thinking..."

Theo smirked as if he knew exactly what was going on already. He looked at Emmett, mouthed the words 'you're gonna have a baby' and just sighed.

"We really want to start a family. You know, have a baby. And-" He continued his question, but Vic had other ideas.

Her face lit up almost immediately after hearing they wanted to have a baby. "Yes!" She exclaimed, hugging Travis so hard.

"Vic, you don't even know what I was gonna say." He burst out laughing.

"Yes, I do! And yes I will. I want to help you guys have a baby, no matter how hard it is. I just love you guys so much. Offering to help you to have a kid is the least I can do to show it." The smile couldn't be wiped off Vic's face even if you tried with so much force.

"Are you sure?" Emmett wanted to hear her say it again - he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not."

"I am completely, 100% sure. I will do whatever it takes to let you guys have a baby."

And with that, all four of them stood up, hugging one another and giving congratulations, even though there was definitely a long road ahead of them. But nevertheless, they were excited. Travis and Emmett were going to have a baby.

To say that the process for Vic to actually get pregnant was long was an understatement. So much planning, so many appointments, and three failed attempts at Artificial Insemination led them to try IVF.

The side effects were horrendous, to say the least. They had all decided to keep it under wraps that Travis and Emmett were trying for a baby, since they didn't want to jinx it, and Vic didn't particularly want to be spied on 24/7 asking if she was pregnant yet. But, because of the horrible side effects that had decided to kick in full force during a fire call, she had to step out and go home. Her vision got so blurry and she felt so light-headed she couldn't even point the hose she was using in the right direction.

She wasn't fit to drive home, so she sat in the Aid Car and waited for Travis to finish up before he could take her home. Travis called Theo and asked him to finish his shift early and get home to take care of her, something he agreed to do without any questions.

This incident really made Travis question if he wanted this for Vic. He hated seeing her so fragile because of something he wanted.

So, two weeks after the embryos were implanted, there the four were, sitting in the doctor's office, waiting to get Vic's blood taken to confirm if she was pregnant. They had made it to this stage three times before with Artificial Insemination, two times she was told she wasn't pregnant, one time she was told she was, but after her 8-week ultrasound, unfortunately, there was no heartbeat.

Dr. DeLuca walked in with the usual supplies and smiled. "So, I hear the IVF has not been fun for you." She frowned.

"'Not fun''' is the understatement of the year," Vic said sarcastically. "I swear if I'm not pregnant today I am going to flip."

"Alright." Carina chuckled. "We'll take some blood and you need to pee in a cup." She pricked Vic's arm, blood coming out fast into the tube. She taped a cotton ball to her elbow and then handed her the cup.

All Travis and Emmett could do was cross their fingers and hope. He didn't want to admit this, but Emmett had basically lost all hope. He could usually be optimistic, but something about the situation just wasn't settling for him. He hoped his gut was wrong.

After Vic gave the cup to Carina, who told them results would be given in the morning, they all decided to go to Travis and Emmett's place and spend the night together. None of them were really in high spirits, really unlike the first time she took a test and they were all buzzing.

The night ended up being a sleepless one for them all. So much so, none of them actually went to bed. Instead, they spent it watching old movies and just being nervous.

Vic made sure her phone was fully charged just in case Carina was to call. She was actually just making breakfast in the kitchen when it began to ring. "Oh god." She muttered, taking a deep breath and answering. "It's Vic."

"Hey, Vic. I got the results of your pregnancy test..." Carina started.

In the other room, the three men were still engrossed in one of the movies they were watching, they hadn't registered the fact that Vic's phone had rung and she was talking to Dr. DeLuca.

But then they all heard her shout "Really?!", causing them all to jump up and run into the kitchen.

"Say it again, Dr. DeLuca. You're on speaker." She asked, the smile on her face was so wide.

"Victoria is pregnant! Congratulations Travis and Emmett!" She exclaimed.

"Thank you, Dr. DeLuca!" Travis and Emmett both said in unison and hugged and kissed each other.

"We're having a baby." Emmett exclaimed, still in disbelief.

"We're having a baby." Travis confirmed. He was so happy for this moment, to be having the baby with the person he was going to be spending the rest of his life with, and for his best friend to be involved in the best way possible.

It really seemed like everything was going to work out for this big family. 

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