Chapter 3

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After her regularly scheduled 13-week scan confirmed Vic and the two babies were healthy, they all decided it was the perfect time to tell the station. They debated for a while doing some big gesture, but in the end, decided to just tell them the old fashioned way.

On the day Theo was off, he and Emmett made their way to the station. Vic had texted them saying they weren't on a call and that they were about to eat dinner - a perfect time to share the good news.

She and Travis went down to let them in and Travis immediately noticed Emmett was carrying some envelope.

"What the hell's in that envelope? We said no grand announcement!" He asked and pointed to the white in Emmett's hand.

"It's the ultrasounds, you fool." He threw it at Travis and just laughed. "Come on, I can't wait any longer."

They all walked up to the beanery together, laughing as usual. Everyone was sitting around the table, even Battalion Chief Maya Bishop had come down for dinner that particular day. I suppose it was a good thing since she'd be losing one of her best Lieutenants very soon.

"Okay, guys," Travis cleared his throat. "Emmett, Vic and I have an announcement before you all start eating dinner."

"Ooh, go on." Andy leaned in. She also really needed to know the news since she was Captain of 19 and would need to arrange a maternity cover really soon.

Vic took the envelope from Travis's hand and took the ultrasounds out of it but turned them around so none of the team could actually see what was on them. She held her other hand out, counting down from 3 so they could all say it together.

"We're pregnant!" They all (apart from Theo, obviously) said in unison, Vic turning the ultrasound around for everyone to see. The room erupted in smiles, everyone clapped and stood up, wanting to congratulate the soon-to-be parents and Vic.

Of course, Ben was the first person to look at the ultrasound, and his eyebrows rose so high when he actually looked at it. "You guys- you're having twins?!"

Everyone's heads whipped so fast to Vic and Travis and Emmett. They nodded in agreement, handing out the ultrasounds to everyone so they could all look. There was a plethora of 'congratulations!' and 'you guys will be such great parents!' being spoken, and even hugs being thrown in every so often.

"So how far along are you?" Maya asked. "Judging by the fact you know it's twins, is it 12 weeks?" She flexed her knowledge of pregnancy, mostly because she wanted to know everything when Carina got pregnant a year before.

"She's 13 weeks." Travis smiled, high-fiving Jack as he gave his congratulations.

"How has pregnancy been treating you, Vic?" Andy wondered, mostly being surprised because she genuinely had no idea. And she was her Captain.

"I was so sick for about a week and I could barely get out of bed because I felt so lethargic and ill. I told you guys I had the flu, obviously." She laughed. "And I have been craving Cookie Crisp cereal, I don't know why, but I have been eating so many boxes of it. Even ask Theo - he's gone out at some crazy times just to get me my cereal."

Theo nodded in agreement. "She made me drive all the way to the 24-hour Walmart the other day. Don't mess with a pregnant woman." He chipped in, receiving a whack on the shoulder from his wife.

The rest of the team congratulated Vic, but most importantly Travis and Emmett, the latter had quietly withdrawn himself from the group. Travis of course noticed, making a note to talk to him about that when he got home in the morning.

"So," Andy interrupted the celebrations. "I suppose we need to talk about maternity leave."

Vic nodded and the whole team began to take seats around the table. Travis pulled Emmett over to sit with them too. He whispered "You okay?" in his ear - Emmett simply nodded. He wasn't convinced, though.

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