Happy Hour

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Contains: fluff, happy Chuuya, and a obviously in love Dazai

It was a hot day, Chuuya just got home from a long mission, unfortunately he had to be out in the heat for the entirety of it. "Hey babe, how was your day?" His loving husband asks, putting his stupid suicide book down, "Hot and frustrating." The ginger let's out a exhausted breath and flops onto his partner. He takes the book and puts it on the table before burying his face in his husbands chest.

The brunet chuckles, patting his adorable partners head, "hey baby," "mm?" "Why don't we go for a relaxing ride? I'll drive." The brunet stares lovingly at his husband. "But you suck at driving." The ginger says, lifting his head to look into the deep earthy brown eyes he had fallen in love with, "Wha- no, well.... Only when I don't want to drive." He says rolling his eyes. "If you insist. Let me change into something more comfortable first." "Can I-" "No you may not watch." The ginger glares, before getting up and disappearing into their shared room.

The brunet pouts and goes back into their room anyway, he walks in on Chuuya running his fingers along the stupid scar left behind by the sheep, the brunet frowns and snakes his lanky arms around his husbands waist. "I know what you're thinking. Stop it, you're gorgeous and you fucking know it." The brunet kisses his partners shoulder before turning him around, bending down, and kissing the scar left on the gingers stomach.

The ginger flushes, he was always sensitive about his scar, it was a reminder that the people he once trusted, tried to kill him over something as small as a misunderstanding. Dazai, the man he's fallen in love with, complimenting his scar and kissing it, somehow gave it a new meaning. Something along the lines of 'when one door closes, another door opens' or something like that.

After getting changed into something casual and comfortable, the two males were out the door and in the car. Dazai had been driving around aimlessly, indulging in simple conversation with his lover, singing love songs, and he some how made his way to the beach side. It was so nice, as much as Dazai hated the beach it was pretty, and his partner seemed to be mesmerized by the light bouncing off the waves.

"Wanna get out and go play in the sand?" "Hell no, I didn't dress for the beach." The ginger crosses his arms and glares at his partner, the brunet chuckles, "maybe another time then." He smiles, and looks at the time before gasping. "What?" The ginger raises a brow, "babe, it's happy hour!" He yells, "what's that?" "What the hell do you mean 'what's that?'? Babe, how do you not know what happy hour is?" Dazai glances as him while dashing to the nearest fast food restaurant that serves frozen treats.

"Just shut the fuck up and fucking tell me what the hell happy hour is, dammit!" The ginger rolls his eyes at his husband, "Baby, happy hour happens around 2-5pm, it's where you can go to a fast food restaurant and get a discount on frozen desserts." The brunet smiles, pulling into a sonic (because I don't feel like doing research on Japanese fast food restaurants) drive thru.

Instead of just ordering their slushies, they ordered a bunch of other food too, now all they have to do is wait. Of course, being the over grown, aesthetically pleasing teenagers they still were, they were fucking jamming out to 80's rock songs. The brunet was head banging while the ginger was screaming the lyrics. They then heard a knock on the window, Chuuya turns down their kick ass music while Dazai rolls down his window, they take their food, laugh a few thank you's and drive off.

There they were back at the beach, the sun finally falling asleep, the scenery was so gorgeous, not as much as Chuuya, but still gorgeous. They were chowing down, slurping their slushies and talking with their mouths full of greasy food that will make them feel gross later.

The brunet takes a long, loving gaze at his husband, he couldn't help but flush and keep smiling like an idiot, sure he'd seen Chuuya like this plenty of times before, him talking with half chewed food in his mouth, in all of his glorious disgustingness, Dazai was the only one who got to see him like that. It was ethereal to him.

After eating, it was hella dark, And Chuuya had given up on attempting to stay clean. He gets out of the car, his husband quickly following him, obviously locking the doors. They walk up to the edge of the water, holding hands, the brunet looks over to his petite lover and gives him a look, one the other knew all to well. Dazai tries pulling him into the water but no way in hell was he getting salt water in his favorite hoodie. Chuuya takes off his (*Dazai's) hoodie along with his shoes and socks. He rolls up his jeans and proceeds to walk into the water, "babe, weeeeee~ should make out." "Yeah no, fuck off, I'm not letting the fish see me like that."

The brunet rolls his eyes, he grabs his husband and kisses him, the ginger reluctantly gets into it and even adds a bit of tongue. After a few minutes of intense making out, they pull away, the ginger rolls his eyes, "god damn fish!" He yells, jokingly, making his husband laugh. "Alright, I'm sick of the smell of the ladies that come in asking for me personally." The brunet rolls his eyes, grabbing his now hysterical husband, and dragging him to the car.

While driving back home, the brunet put his hand on his husband's thigh, still keeping his eyes on the road. "I'll ask you again. Did you have a good day baby?" He asks taking a glance at the adorable face he gets to see everyday, "hell yes I did, I got to spend the rest of my day with a tall, lanky, piece of shit. It was fucking awesome!" The cute redhead smiles, and moves to kiss his husbands cheek. The brunet chuckles, "I'm glad." His face flushes.

Happy hour Fridays are weekly now


Short and sweet, just like chuuya. Thanks for reading 🤍

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