Day 1 4/5/11

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I think I'll diary my day in this and go on until I feel better about myself and the world around me


Today was fairly good; my best friend and I barely talked that much, and I don't know why. My friend who doesn't treat me like crap (I forgot to mention that) is still saying "Hey!" to me in the halls and treating me like a normal human being, or; a friend.

A boy in class is soooooo rude. He's just a BIG LAZY @SS JERKFACE. Yeah, I have problems with in fact, I hate him, with PASSION. In Math I felt like just sitting down on the ground and sobbing, crying until the tears were no more; but I couldn't; I had to be strong; I had to suck it up and learn to stay strong.

I love to dance cause it makes me feel free.

My mom must think Im stupid or something cause she has me in this after school thing to do homework even though I don't really get any.

I'll try to stay strong and keep away from the blade.

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