Oh Christ.

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This made me cry.
Reintroduction of myself.
My name is Madeline. I'm a sophomore, age 16. I wrote this when I was 12 and irrational but quite seriously depressed. I will admit that I was in a bad place for a while after that even but things have changed.
Does that mean I'm happier?
Yes and no.
Do you ever just feel... Empty? Like you could float away with the occurrence of a breeze. That's how I feel sometimes. Empty. I feel sad.
But I don't know why.
My new friends are all so nice. I have a satisfactory life. There are children with it worse than me so I shouldn't be feeling this way.
And yet these moments of emptiness hit me like a drought and suck up all of my life and energy.
It's quite troubling, really.
If you're wondering I can regrettably say that yes I do still self harm from time to time when everything feels like it's too much and that I might break.
Honestly I don't actually like putting my feelings on people like a burden. I feel like that's the worst thing a human being can do to another human being other than murder, heartbreak, and obviously rape. (Fuckin' sickos out there, man.)
I've attached a picture of myself just so y'all know that I don't actually look like a death eater. ^-^

Sweet dreams, beautiful people. You all deserve the happiness that the world offers. - Maddie

P.S. Why the hell have so many people read this? Why?

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