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If there's one thing I hate more than my life, it's when people sugarcoat things. I don't need you to treat me like I'm incapable just because I won't respond. If I'm not responding, I'm either: ignoring you- giving you the silent treatment- I'm zoned out- or I hate you.... A lot. So don't act like I'm a foreign object just because I'm sad. Act like you care and maybe, MAYBE, I'll respond. If you yell at me, I'll yell back. If you fight me, I'm stronger.... Literally. If you call me stupid and say no one likes me, I'll walk away, huddle up in a corner in my basement again, and bawl my eyes out. I can only take so much before I snap. You can't expect me to brush it off and act all bubbly. I'm not my older sister. I'm not a tall skinny popular girl. I'm a short skinny outcast. Don't try threatening me, it'll only make me angrier at the world. Don't take my music away, you never know if I'll die...

Give me a sense of hope, and I might pray again. Give me love, and I might smile out of pure joy again. Give me respect, and I'll give you the same. But if you think I don't matter, say it to my face and not everyone else.

συνεχίσει να υπάρχει - Maddie

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