art museum date

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"She's making biscuits" I laughed at how kochi was kneading the fluffy bedsheets

"You do love them don't you?" I asked cuddling into her white fur
"Would I get some too?" I smiled
She meowed in response
"Well,I can't stay with you todayyy" I whined like a toddler

I had a school project to do,it was really monotonous so I had been procrastinating on it forever
"You know what? I don't have any ideas for it" I grumbled adjusting on to the couch

"Even sana isn't helping meee!" I frowned
I wish you helped too
Suddenly I got a call,it was an unknown number

Um hello?

Ah hello,I'm jimin

Ah how did you get my number?

You know,sana

Oh haha

So shall we meet today?

Ugh well okay! At 12 pm Kay?

Yup,my house
See you soon and don't
Forget to bring kochi!
(He laughed)Bye!

God,did he just called me? I felt my blood running hastily through my veins,my heart beating fast and my cheeks getting red,this is the first time someone asked me out

I rushed through the blankets and clothes,gosh I can't find anything good to wear! I got annoyed
As I got dressed I hastily left the house
The weather was the same as yesterday pleasant,with a cloudy and misty breeze
It felt like it would rain,but the sun still shone

I arrived at his house,took a deep breath and ringed his bell
The surroundings were peaceful and calm just like his personality

The cherry blossom tree he had in his backyard shed baby pink petals,as kochi tried to catch them I laughed
"Ah you are here,please come inside" I heard him as he opened the door and greeted me with his warm smile
I couldn't help but blush at every little thing he does

"Kochi come here" he invited us inside
The scent in his house was comforting and calm,the windchimes chimed,there was no other loud noise,just the wind chimes his calm voice and kochi's meowing
I sat down when he insisted
His house was all well organized

"What do you want to eat?" He asked
"Ah nothing" I replied
"Come on,atleast have something to drink,what about the matcha we drank last time?" He asked
I got excited remembering that appetizing matcha drink
"Yes please!" I answered with a giggle
"So I have decided a place to hangout!" He said placing the tea on the glassy table

"Where?" I asked
"An art museum! If you dont like it or find it bori-"
"Nope! I never get bored of art!" I answered sipping on my tea
"Just the problem is,I have my school project and the due date is tomorrow"
I continued not trying to upset him

"Well I can help you!"
He exclaimed with a smile
We sat down with all the scrambled color papers and cardboards
He guided me throughout the process and OFCOURSE I couldn't help but adore him even more

"What are you? A 5 year old kid?" He asked when I wrote
"I'm 19" I frowned
"Plus you are not even that older than me are you? It's just 2 years of difference! And you are not any Leonardo da Vinci or anything to be that good at drawing" I rolled my eyes

"Let me show you" he said while taking the pencil from my hand
I gotta admit,when I saw him draw I was shook
It was better than mine

"Ugh anyways,I'm bored I don't wanna do this anymore" I whined
I looked at the sky,it had turned coral with a slight shade of gold

The clouds peacefully moved through the golden sky
As I felt nostalgic about a moment I didn't even knew I had

I suddenly remembered kochi
"W-wheres kochi?" I asked panicking
"Wasn't she her-" jimin said before widening his eyes

We both hastily ran through the whole house but she was nowhere to be found

My eyes were filled with tears
"W-wait why are you crying?" Jimin asked me
"Is it unusual to cry when your pet is lost?" I asked

"Uh I'm sorry let's find her outside" he said patting my shoulder
And comforting me

As we looked outside it was already getting dark but soon I heard her voice from afar
That's when jimin noticed her tail,but she was far away

Suddenly she started running getting away from us
I followed her,when I finally catched her up

"Where were you idiot?" I asked snuggling into her white fur

"Ah,this is that place!" Jimin exclaimed as his eyes gleamed looking at the shiny board which read
"Art museum"

"We were gonna come here?" I asked
"Yes,if we are already here,shall we go inside?" Jimin asked
I stared at him for a moment,deciding about it

I smiled and dragged him inside along with kochi

I smiled and dragged him inside along with kochi

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