Chapter 1: Ale and Greetings

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    It's loud and crowded in The Golden Dragon. Many villagers in Noxville come to The Golden Dragon to relax, drink some Ale and bond with other villagers. It's a place of laughter and music. Today, in particular, was busier than normal. All types of people from different backgrounds come by. Rich. Poor. Strong with magic. Good with weapons. Adventurers. Blacksmiths. Fishermen and more. What a lovely day it was for Noxville. When all was going well, a panicked women runs through the tavern doors. She was a fair lady drenched in blood, tears running down her cheek and an arm missing. Silence ensues as the women falls to the floor. A couple of people run towards the helpless women. A beautiful Elf wearing cleric clothing and a towering Dragonborn with heavy looking armor approach. The Elf was tall, with long blonde hair decorated with small chains. She is fair in skin and has glowing blue eyes. She carries a great sword on her side. She is very delicate in looks. With the Dragonborn, he is very tall. Taller than his Elven companion. Big in size. He is covered in rough scales that look tough to pierce through even though he wear heavy, plate armor. His scales are gold and some scales seemed scarred. His eyes are brown with one eyes having a big scar across it. Not only is his size intimidating, but the large size great sword was frightening. It was bigger then what the Elf had. They both go in to aid the damaged woman.

"Miss! Are you okay? What happened to your arm?" Said the Elf.

"Aerith, try to treat as many wounds as you can. Miss can you tell me what happened?" Said the Dragonborn.

The woman was slowly loosing conscience as she tried to speak and control her breathing. She mutters,"I was attacked... in the forest up North...I was trying to find my son since he went missing... but then something monstrous attacked me. "The Elf and the Dragonborn looked at each other with concern.

"I have no idea what that thing is, but it hides within the forest... find my family... please... tell Baron that I'll be watching over him..." the woman begins to close her eyes. Color drained from her body and slowly grows colder by the second. Everyone was in shock and disbelief. The Elf stands up and begins to pray. The Dragonborn does the same.

"Great Pelor, may her soul be at ease. Watch over her." Says the Elf. The Dragonborn precedes to carry the limp woman and walking towards the tavern doors. "I'll go ahead find a place to bury her." He says. He leaves through the doors. Silence still lingers but the villagers whisper amongst each other, trying to recover from what they saw. The Elf stands near the doors waiting for the Dragonborn while two other people approach her. A dark blue Teifling with noticeable scars and dragon scales with long white hair. She looks timid in nature especially with her one of her eyes covered by her hair. She has horns and a long tail. The other was a male human. His scarf covers his mouth and wears a yellow and red, minimal outfit with bandages around his arms, hands and even legs. He has dark drown hair accompanied by grayish blue eyes.

"Hello, your name is Aerith right?" Says the Teifling.

"Yes, that's me. Who are you?" Replied Aerith.

"I'm Nemeia, I'm a sorcerer." She then gestures towards the male human. "This is Ri, he is a monk." Ri waved. "We were both impressed with your courage to help that woman out. I've been having a sense something is off with her situation. Do you plan to go up north to find this monster?" Asks Nemeia.

Just before Aerith could answer, the Dragonborn comes through the doors, walking right next to Aerith.

"I found a nice area to bury her at, may Pelor be with her." Said the Dragonborn. He then looked over at Nemeia and Ri. "Aerith, who are these people?" He asked.

"Right." Aerith points over to Nemeia and Ri, "This is Nemeia and Ri. They were asking me whether or not we are planning to follow through with the woman's request." Aerith then looks over at Nemeia and Ri, gesturing towards the Dragonborn and herself. "As you know, I'm Aerith. I'm a cleric dedicated to helping and healing as many people as I can for Pelor. This is Kalxid. He is a honorable paladin in our hometown."

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