Chapter 2: Tension

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    The next morning, everyone awakens from their long rest. The group meet inside the tavern at the crack of dawn to have their breakfast together. Kalxid was missing, but everyone else was at the same table. Aerith seemed to be eating oats with an assortment of fresh fruit. Zalver's head was down with his arms covering his face. His wooden flask sat right next to him with his hand gripping on it, tightly. Ri was meditating. Nemeia had a dull red book. It's untitled, but she was writing something in it. Possibly a journal. Esper was on the opposite side of the table, keeping her distance between them. She slowly observed each member of the group while taking bites of her apple. It was silent at first, a bit awkward. So silent that people could hear a feather hit the hardwood floor. Until a deep, joyful voice broke the silence...

"Sorry I came a little late" Everyone turns to turn their attention to the voice. It was Klaxid. "I had to go over some things." He takes a seat right next to Aerith.

"We understand." Aerith responds.

"I've been meaning to ask everyone. What brings you all here to Noxville?" Asks Kalxid.

Everyone just looked around at each other with blank expressions. They all waited and anticipated who would go first. The tension could've been cut through with a dagger. Zalver slowly lifts his head up, displaying his dark circles, messy hair and wrinkles. He definitely had a rough night.

"I don't know how I got here. All I know is I won't go back home until I find my wife and daughter." Zalver whispers as he takes a gulp out of his flask.

Esper smirks. "I guess the sleep darts didn't help, huh. I'll make sure to use 2 dart when it comes to you next time."

Everyone looks over at her in utter shock. Staring at Esper.

"Staring is rude. I know I'm one charismatic individual but mind your manners." Esper giggles. She throws her apple up in the air, pulls put her dagger and throws it at the apple. The apple lands against the wall, stuck in place by the dagger. Bullseye. "You don't need to know who I am or why I am here, knowing too much about someone can make you weak and vulnerable. All you need to know is that I'm Esper, I'm a skilled weapons master and rogue. Get in my way and your blood will end up on my sword." Esper threaten. Her dead expression could kill 100 men and serverly injure 1,000 men. She walks towards the tavern doors. "I'll be waiting outside." Esper steps out through the tavern doors.

Silence ensues once again. Stunned and a little startled the group was, they tried to recover.

"What a dominating personality or should I say confident?" Kalxid snickered.

"More like frightening." Nemeia whimpers.

Ri signs over towards Nemeia.

"You're lying. There is no way you think that." Exclaims Nemeia.

Zalver scoffs. "What did the Monk sa-"

"It's Ri." Interrupts Nemeia. Ri notices Nemeia getting tense as she stares at Zalver. She isn't only staring daggers, but great swords and long swords too. Ri puts his hand on her shoulder. Quickly getting her attention. Ri gestures to Nemeia letting her know that it's okay and to calm down.

Zalver rolls his eyes. "So... what did... Ri say?"

Nemeia looks over at Ri, unsure of what to do. Ri gives her an head nod.

"He said he senses pain and this dark cloud that surrounds her. He can see she has multiple walls up. He thinks she is just misunderstood and is a good person at heart." Nemeia explains.

Aerith smiles as she stands up. "Believe it or not, I think Ri is right. I get that feeling too. I'll go check up on her." Aerith walks towards where Esper's dagger was, pulls the dagger out of the wall and heads outside. The rest of the group stay put and chit chat amongst each other.

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