Chapter 3: Haunted Woodland

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    The group meet back at the front of the tavern and start sharing information they have gathered. Ranging from eerie little girls to ranger raiders. They start compiling all of their belongings and get prepared to form a plan.

"The time has come. We have no choice but head into the forest." Sighed Kalxid.

"Well, what are we waiting for!" Exclaims Zalver. "Let's go! You guys are lucky I sobered up!"

"I bet 10 gold that you'll be drunk within 10 minutes. I'd say even 2 minutes." Teased Esper.

"Watch your tongue, bitch." Zalver replies as he rolls his eyes.

The group head out of Noxville and go up north where the forest was. This forest was mildly popular for experiencing scary things, there have been some incidents where people would go missing, but now with the monster patrolling the forest, more disappearances have occurred even though everyone has stopped going to the forest. The forest's name is Haunted Wooland. What a very fitting name.

The group head into the forest. Immediately entering the forest, the mood shifted. A tense and uneasy feeling filled the air. The forest was really dense due to the thick and tall trees, but with a few open areas. The only color the group could see was green, including all of the shades and tints of green. There were distant animal noises such as birds wings flapping or grass rustling, but there were no animals to be seen. The forest looked dead with no sign of animal life. It was creepy. Until, the group came across a deer. A male deer with long antlers and a very fluffy chest. This particular deer was bigger than normal. The deer was standing in from far, blocking the path. The deer's cold eyes were directed towards the group. Staring.

"What should we do about the deer? It's just staring at us." Said Kalxid.

"I'll handle this!" Zalver exclaimed.

Zalver saunters over towards the deer and slowly puts his hand out. Zalver looks deep into the deer's eyes while he still has his hand out, inviting the deer to come closer. Zalver and the deer didn't break eye contact nor does Zalver break position. Eventually, the deer walks over closer. The deer walks past Zalver completely, heading towards the other group members. He then stops.

"You are all in danger. Your eyes aren't ready to see the beast's chaos and cruelty. I'm warning you. Leave now and don't look back." Said the deer.

There was silence. The group was too shocked to speak. The deer walks closer, putting itself right in front of Nemeia.

"Those with chaotic and unstable power might just defeat the beast and restore the forest of it's beauty." The deer looks at everyone else. "For everyone else, you may not come back alive." The deer moves around the group, running further into the forest while it disappears into little bright particles.

Everyone stands in silence. The group looks at each other, trying to figure out how to even start the conversation.

"What did that deer mean by chaotic and unstable power?" Esper asks Nemeia.

"I'm more concerned about the fact that a deer was talking to us!" Yelped Zalver.

"I'm not too sure what the deer meant by chaotic and unstable power. I'm still learning magic. I get stronger everyday, but I'm not that strong." Replied Nemeia.

They all look at each other, concerned and worried. So many unanswered questions. Everyone remained silent and wary of their surroundings. There is still no sight of any wildlife even though the noises are present. The forest kept getting creepier by the minute. Kalxid went ahead and broke the silence.

"Okay guys, it's getting late. Let's go find a safe place to set up camp."

Everyone nods in agreement and sets out to find a safe area in the forest to rest at. They end up finding an obscure, hidden area being covered with thick trees and bushes. They set up there sleeping areas and a fire pit. Everyone gets settled at their areas, eat their rations and talk amongst themselves.

Tales of Astraveinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें