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Kayla Hope

"Would you stop?" My wolf, Willow asked.

"Stop what?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Thinking about what it would be like to have our mate and go find him!" She said.

"It's not that simple, Willow. You see this takes time." I replied smugly.

"Please spare me the details." She said, closing the link.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Wolves can be so complicated sometimes and yes Willow is right, I do think about what it would be like to have our mate. To hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him. I was walking down the street when a loud scream and a begging voice filled my sensitive ears. I made sure no one was around before I shifted into my solid black wolf. I followed my nose and it led me to a apartment building. I made my way up the stairs and stopped in front of the door where the voice was the strongest. The door was slightly ajar so I pushed my way inside. A man towered over another and something in me snapped. I growled and advanced toward the two.

"Call your mutt off, Andy!" The man towering over the man on the floor snapped.

All in one motion I took the man that was towering over the other down to the floor, my jaws around his arm. The man, I knew as Andy picked himself up off the floor and slowly walked toward me and took ahold of the scuff of my neck. And right then and there I knew Andy was my mate from the sparks that shot throughout my body.

"It's okay, dog. Let him up." He said.

I released the man's arm and sat down beside Andy. The man left shortly after that, cussing and shouting at Andy. Again the I growled and the man hightailed it out to his truck. Andy down at me.

"Thanks for saving me, girl." He whispered. "I guess it's time to hit the road and go some place else. I mean now that Father knows were I am and all."

Andy walked into the bathroom to wash all the blood off his arms and face cleaned some of the deeper wounds before he started to pack. As he began to pack, I watched him. I can't believe I found my mate! Andy crammed all of his belongings into two suitcases. He was out the door and to his car in a little under an hour. I hopped into the passenger seat and we off, heading to someplace hopefully far away from that awful man who hurt my mate.

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