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Kayla Hope

Having Andy with me and knowing he's safe put me at ease. I couldn't stand to see that awful man hurt him. I stood and stretched. It was around three in the morning and Andy hadn't budged. I needed to find some way to get him to the pack house and explain myself to him. As well as go through him being my mate and what not. A howl sounded and I trotted out of the cave. My brother's wolf, Ajax approached me along with several other pack members.

"Where have you been sis?" He asked.

"Well I found my mate!" I said excitedly.

"That's fantastic! Does he know about you yet?"

"No...he thinks I'm just a stray dog and I need to figure out a way to get him to the pack house. We're kinda camping out in a cave tonight until we can get his car fixed."

"You leave that to us, Willow. I've got a plan. Just meet us by his car in the morning."

"Okay, thanks so much! I'm going to link dad and tell him. He'll be thrilled!"

"Be careful, Ajax."

"Will do. See you in a bit."

I made my way back inside. Andy still lay sound asleep. I laid down beside him and listened to the howls of my pack members. I'm so nervous about telling Andy. I just hope he won't reject me.
"Alright, Baby. Let's see if we can't get this car started." Andy said, reaching down to stroke my head.

I gave a wag of my tail and licked his hand. My brother Cody pulled up in his truck.

"Need help, mister?" He called.

Andy turned to face him.

"If you don't mind. I'm having car trouble. It's a piece of junk anyway but..."

"I've got a couple of cars at my place if you wanna take a look."

This is the best he's got, I thought. Surly my brother, the soon to become Alpha of the Sliver Moon Pack, would have come up with something better than this.

"How much you asking?"

"Just hop in and bring your stuff and I'll show you what kind of cars I got, then we'll decide on a price."

"Are you sure?" Andy asked, a hesitant tinge to his voice.

"Yeah I'm positive. Your dog can come too. She's awful pretty."

"Thanks." Andy grabbed his suit cases and put them in the back of my brother's truck.

I hopped in back and Andy got in the passenger seat.

"You moving or something?" Cody asked.

"Yeah. I needed to find another place before I got evicted from my place." Andy replied.

"I have a couple of spare rooms at my place if you want to crash."

"You're being awfully nice to a guy you just met."

"I'm just that type of guy. I'm willing to help anyone in need of it."

"You don't mind?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"I might just take you up on that offer."

Cody smiled.

"Alright then."

We soon pulled down the dirt road that lead to our pack house. A few of the pack members watched us from a distance. Andy stepped out and Cody grabbed his suit cases.

"Follow me and I'll show you where you'll be staying." He said. "Oh and watch the dogs. They're not the friendliest toward strangers."

"O-okay." Andy replied.

I followed them up to a spare room.

"This house is huge! Who all lives here?"

"My whole family comes down about four times every year so that's why I've got this house." Cody explained.

Once Andy was settled in Cody left us be. This little lie that Cody created isn't going to last forever and I would have to tell about myself sooner than later. Let's hope Andy accepts me.

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