27 2 5

Andy French

We drove for a while. The dog began to pace in the back seat.

"Need out, baby?" I asked.

The dog's blue eyes flicked toward me and she whined. I pulled off at a abandoned dog park and let her out. I walked to a bench and sat down. The pack was a wide open field with trees surrounding it. The grass was slightly wet from dew. It felt peaceful to be alone with just a dog for company. They can't talk or judge. They just love you unconditionally. The dog came and sat in front of me. Her eyes meeting mine again. She whined and rested her head on my knee.

"Thanks again for saving me, girl...my Father has never been nicest of guys and takes all his anger out on me. I don't understand what I ever did wrong. I never disobeyed or anything." I sighed and stroked the dog's ears. She gave a wag of her tail and barked at me. I couldn't help but smile.

"I think you understand me, huh Baby." She barked at me again.

I stood up and walked to my car. I got in and went to start it but it wouldn't.

"Come on you piece of junk car!"

The dog tilted her head from side to side at the ticking noise the engine was making. I smiled despite my frustration. The dog took my jacket sleeve in her jaws and gave a slight pull.

"What? You want me to follow you?" I asked.

She barked in response. I reluctantly allowed this dog lead me into the woods and to a cave. She walked in and checked for danger before laying down in front of the entrance.

"Here? You think we should stay here?" I asked.

The boy raise her head and barked again.

"I guess it's better than sleeping in the car. Good thing I packed blankets."

After returning to the cave with a mound of blankets, I settled down beside the dog. She rested her head against my chest and sighed.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've been with me you're whole life. You act like it anyway and you haven't been with me a day." I said, stroking her ears.

She gave a content sigh and closed her eyes. I hugged her close and for the first time in a long time, fell into a dreamless sleep.

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