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Kayla Hope

Why did Andy run off like that?! It's not my fault that he can't handle the truth. No reason to take it out on me. Despite being angry at him, I had to find him. He's my mate wether he likes it or not and it's my destine to keep him safe. I shifted and followed his scent. I found myself at a two story brick house. I followed my nose to where Andy's scent was the strongest. When I stepped into the house I saw Andy towering over someone, a bloody knife in his hand.

"It's not fair when I have the upper hand is it? Huh Dad?" He snapped, a slight sneer to his voice.

No thinking I ran up and took ahold of his arm, lightly in my jaws. The man on the floor was alive but barley. Andy pulled away from me, ripping his arm open in the process. Having the taste of my mates blood make me feel sick. I whined and that stopped Andy. He stormed out and I caught up with him. Once back to the pack house we went to his bedroom. I walked into the bathroom to shift back and pull on some clothes.

"Andy, what in the hell were you thinking?" I said.

"I just....I don't know, okay. There's this damn voice in my head and after talking to it....I-I just got really angry. I wanted to kill my father and...."

"I figured that you were a werewolf but I wasn't positive."

"What?! I'm not a werewolf. That's crazy, you're crazy, Kayla! There's no way in hell that..."

"Andy, calm down. We'll talk to my dad and see what he can do."

"What do you mean you figured? I either am or I'm not. Which is it?"

"Your scent. You have the scent of a werewolf."

He looked at me with a nervous look in his eyes and he shifted from foot to foot.

"Why would my wolf make himself known now, though?"

"I'm not sure."

"Kayla, I'm sorry about snapping at you and storming off. It just that I don't like to lied to."

"I shouldn't have kept it from you. I'm sorry too."

Andy gave a smile and returned it. I still had a lot to explain to him but at least he accepts me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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