Go get her Warden! (KronMei) Part 1

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Kronii: Guys.. I think I'm developing a thing for Mumei..

Bae: Finally you realized it.

IRyS: Oh shut up Bae.. You we're oblivious when I clearly had feelings for you. 

Bae: Shut the f*** up IRyS! Anyways..

IRyS: *Mumbles* Rude..

Bae: Why'd you tell us though Kronii?

Kronii: Well, I was supposed to talk to Fauna and Sana but I couldn't find them anywhere! I tried looking for them.. No where to be seen so I went to you guys since you were the second best option to give me advice.

Bae: Well, you came to most probably the WORST place for relationship advice.. But we can try to help you realize something that you most probably are oblivious about.. 

Kronii: Really? You would help me?

IRyS: Of course we would help you! You're our friend Kronii. Why wouldn't we help? 

Kronii: Oh.. That's sweet of you guys. Thank you.

Bae: It's no problem my dear Warden! Anywayz... What kind of feelings are you realising is it like.. Romantic..? Friendly.. Or.. Perhaps.. Hatred?

Kronii: I would say.. Err.. Romantic?

Bae: Gotcha!

IRyS: I understand.. Romantic feelings are developing between you and Mumei. From my observation. She seems to have an interest in you too.. So. May I ask. What do you feel towards our dear Barn Owl Mumei?

Kronii: She makes me feel happy inside. I can always be myself when I'm with her in general. I love looking into her eyes, her personality even though she may do something stupid.. I love that girl.

Bae: Yep. You're inlove.

Kronii: Then.. What do I do?

IRyS: You go and confess to her obviously!


To be continued..

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