Go get her Warden! (KronMei) Part 2

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Mumei's POV:

Mumei: Fauna!! Sana!!

Fauna: Hm? Is something wrong Mumei?

Sana: Yeah.. What's up MeiMei?


Fauna: Calm down! Say it slow and steady.

Sana: Yeah, don't worry MeiMei we can understand you!

Mumei: Okay.. Okay..! I have been building up feelings for Kronii and.. I-I don't know what to do..!

Fauna: Mumei you don't have to worry! We got you. Alright?

Sana: How about we help you practice your confession?

Fauna: Good idea babe!

Mumei: Oh alright..!

Sana: Okay so.. Fauna will act as Kronii, while you act as if you're confessing to the actual Kronii. Got it Mumei?

Mumei: Got it!

Sana: Alright! And.. Go!

Mumei: Kronii, I've been bottling up my feelings for quite a while now. It's been years since we've met and I admire you in every way you can possibly be. You are perfect in my eyes..

Fauna "Kronii": *Tearing up* That was beautiful Mumei.

Sana: I think your set! You just gotta find Kronii!

Mumei: Okay, okay! Thanks Sana and Fauna..!

Part 3 (FINALE) Tomorrow :)

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