Chapter 22: I Use My Gift In A Way I Regret

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The bear twins herded us aboard the Princess Andromeda. They threw us down on the aft deck in front of a swimming pool with sparkling fountains that sprayed into the air. A dozen of Luke's assorted goons- snake people, Laistrygonians, demigods in battle armor -had gathered to watch us get some "hospitality."

"And so, the Fleece," Luke mused. "Where is it?"

He looked us over, prodding Percy's shirt with the tip of his sword, poking Grover's jeans.

"Hey!" Grover yelled. "That's real goat fur under there!"

"Sorry, old friend." Luke smiled. "Just give me the Fleece and I'll leave you to return to your, ah, little nature quest."

"Blaa-ha-ha!" Grover protested. "Some old friend!"

"Maybe you didn't hear me." Luke's voice was dangerously calm. "Where-is-the- Fleece?"

"Not here," I said, his attention turning to me. I probably shouldn't have told him anything, but it felt good to throw the truth in his face. "We sent it on ahead of us. You messed up."

Luke's eyes narrowed. "You're lying. You couldn't have..." His face reddened as a horrible possibility occurred to him. "Clarisse?"

Percy and I nodded.

"You gave..."



The bear giant flinched. "Y-yes?"

"Get below and prepare my steed. Bring it to the deck. I need to fly to the Miami Airport, fast!"

"But, boss-"

"Do it!" Luke screamed. "Or I'll feed you to the drakon!"

The bear-man gulped and lumbered down the stairs. Luke paced in front of the swimming pool, cursing in Ancient Greek, gripping his sword so tight his knuckles turned white.

The rest of Luke's crew looked uneasy. Maybe they'd never seen their boss so unhinged before. I started thinking...

If I could use Luke's anger, get him to talk so everybody could hear how crazy his plans were...

I looked at the swimming pool, at the fountains spraying mist into the air, making a rainbow in the sunset. And suddenly I had an idea.

"You've been toying with us all along," I said. "You wanted us to bring you the Fleece and save you the trouble of getting it."

Luke scowled. "Of course, you idiot! And you've messed everything up!"

"Traitor!" I saw out of the corner of my eyes Percy realize my plan, digging the last gold drachma out of his pocket and threw it at Luke. As I expected, he dodged it easily. The coin sailed into the spray of rainbow-colored water.

I could practically see the prayer on Percy's face, but by then Luke had turned back to me, not paying as much attention to my friend as he should have.

"You tricked all of us!" Percy yelled at Luke. "Even DIONYSUS at CAMP HALF-BLOOD!"

Behind Luke, the fountain began to shimmer, but I needed everyone's attention on me, so I took off my bracelet and the familiar blade grew in my gloved hands. I saw Percy uncap Riptide, and I was grateful for the support.

Luke just sneered. "This is no time for heroics. Drop your puny little swords, or I'll have you killed sooner rather than later."

"Who poisoned Thalia's tree, Luke?" Percy asked.

"I did, of course," he snarled. "I already told you that. I used elder python venom, straight from the depths of Tartarus."

"Chiron had nothing to do with it?"

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