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The sound of Felix's screams filled up the halls. Kyungsoo threw the younger against a nearby wall, causing the younger to cough up blood. Felix struggled to get up, holding his stomach while whining.

"Oh, look at you, all pathetic and weak." Kyungsoo teased the smaller boy, pouting unsympathetically. "Quite unfortunate if you ask me." Kyungsoo mumbled.

Felix tried to get up, holding his stomach while he stumbled. Felix couldn't let anything out for his voice felt hoarse. Kyungsoo raised a brow, humming. The vamp kicked him back down against the wall. Felix let out a cry, allowing himself to give up. The smaller boy sobbing as he held his stomach occasionally coughing up a red substance.

"You know it's sad...I really thought he'd be here to save you by now. hmm guess not?" Kyungsoo laughed, he went toward the boy who seemed to be drained of all his energy. Kyungsoo smirked, grabbing holds of the younger's hands, pinning them against the wall while he motioned to sniff the blood that dripped from them.

"Such a unique smell, wonder what would happen if I took it all for myself.." Kyungsoo asked, inching towards one of Felix's hands to lick the substance. Felix turned away squirming and whining softly.

"It's quite the scene to see you squirm." Kyungsoo laughed. "Such a divine taste." Kyungsoo smirked. "I could just use you up if I wanted too.. have you all for myself." he added with a smug look.

"Step away from him before use up all your blood." A familiar voice growled in the room. Kyungsoo lifted his head from the blonde's arms. "What'll you do hm?" Kyungsoo asked. Yet within nearly a second, Kyungsoo found himself hurling in pain. "Hyune...you betrayed us." he groaned.

Hyunjin looked down upon him. pressing his foot against the other's wound while kyungsoo groaned in pain. Instead of saying anything, Hyunjin gave Kyungsoo a harsh kick in his side. "Lay a hand on him again, I'll do worse." Hyunjin hissed handing him another harsh kick. Kyungsoo hurled over coughing harshly, he was able to tell that Hyunjin was in fact serious. Kyungsoo didn't say anything and instead kept hurling in pain.

Hyunjin turned towards the small boy who was sobbing, badly injured and his violent expression was immediately replaced with concern.

"Oh baby.." Hyunjin rushed over to him and picked the smaller boy up, hugging him tightly. Hyunjin breathed heavily, unable to let go of the younger boy. Felix sobbed in the older's arms, choking on the tears while he hugged the raven haired male tightly.

Hyunjin let the younger lift his head while Hyunjin gazed at the younger's expression. "Felix look at me." Hyunjin said, moving strands of hair behind Felix's ears. "Baby...please look at me." Hyunjin said while tears pricked his eyes. Felix slowly turned to look at Hyunjin. "There he is, with his pretty puppy eyes." Hyunjin whispered. "I won't let them hurt you..I promise. do you trust me?" hyunjin asked. felix looked down and nodded, looking back at hyunjin.

before the moment could go any further, suho's voice was heard. "Awhh how cute..it's sad that the moment can't progress any further. Boo-hoo." he teased. hyunjin wasn't up to deal with them, he just held the younger close to him. one of the members ran over to kyungsoo trying to aid him, the rest of the group charged at hyunjin and felix.

hyunjin held the younger close to him, he shut his eyes. the impact never came. hyunjin opened his eyes, a barrier between him and suho's group was revealed. the barrier happened to knock them back, the raven haired male was confused, but that was until jeongin walked into the room with a smug look on his face.

"Thank me later, we gotta go now." jeongin exclaimed while rushing out of the room. hyunjin kept holding onto felix, rushing out of the room and following jeongin.


A hot rag was placed on Hyunjin's wound causing the dark haired man to hiss in pain. "I'm sorry, it's gonna sting..you have to bare with me." Felix whispered.

"I'm trying my best, are you okay?" Hyunjin asked. Felix nodded, which was clearly a lie. The poor boy wouldn't have survived that day if it weren't for Jeongin or Hyunjin. Felix was more focused on aiding Hyunjin and helping his wounds heal, he was in horrible shape.

Hyunjin placed his hand on Felix's cheek so he would look at him, which he had. "I know you aren't okay..I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. I should've never got you involved." Hyunjin said softly. "If it weren't for me..you wouldn't be in this situation." Hyunjin added with an apologetic look on his face.

Felix looked at him for a moment before he spoke. "If it weren't for you, we would have never met." Felix said softly. Hyunjin looked down, avoiding the blonde's puppy eyes.

"I'd rather have that than have you get hurt again." Hyunjin murmured, loud enough for Felix to hear.

"Hyunjin, please look at me." Felix pleaded, causing the older to lift his head and look at the younger's puppy eyes again. "I know you're worried about me and what I've been put through, but I think it would hurt me more if you stop seeing me because of it." Felix spoke while placing the rag on another wound of Hyunjjn's.

Hyunjin winced again, he felt guilty for putting Felix through this, but how did the younger know he was planning on leaving. "How did you know?" Hyunjin asked.

Felix smiled softly, looking at Hyunjin again. "I can see it in your eyes, I can see that your hurting because you blame yourself for putting me through this, but even though you did, I don't care anymore." Felix said while frowning.

Hyunjin's brows furrowed and he looked at Felix. "What are you saying?" Hyunjin asked. Felix paused, trying to find the right words before looking back at Hyunjin, tears brimming the younger's eyes, Hyunjin placed a hand on Felix's cheek.

"I'm saying I can't live without you, Hyunjin." Felix whimpered softly, hugging him tightly. "I think.. I love you."

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