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Hyunjin's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of glass shattering. Hyunjin stood up and looked around slightly, the older looked at Felix who was sleeping soundly, the sound came from upstairs. Hyunjin slowly made his way upstairs when he saw the dark figure on the top steps.

"Hyun.E?" The voice said deeply. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked. "Keeping you away from Felix Kyungsoo." Hyunjin hissed. "To bad, so sad, you know you can't get through me." Kyungsoo said as he stepped down the steps causing Hyunjin to take more steps forwards. Kyungsoo's eyes were piercing directly at Hyunjin. "I'm warning you Kyungsoo." Hyunjin said as he glared at Kyungsoo.

"I know you're warning me but, you also can't stop me, as soon as Kyungsoo said that he leaped over the stairs but Hyunjin was quick with getting to Felix. "I said back the fuck off." Hyunjin growled. "Why are you so overprotective of him?" Kyungsoo asked making eye contact with Hyunjin. "Now that, is something I'm gonna keep to myself." Hyunjin said.

"Now. Leave." Hyunjin hissed. Kyungsoo slowly walked and Hyunjin stood up. Hyunjin was about to turn and comfort Felix when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, when he looked it was a glass shard pierced in his shoulder. Hyunjin hissed deeply. "YOU BETTER LEAVE NOW." Hyunjin said deeply as he kicked Kyungsoo in the ribs causing the older to whine as he scurried off.

Just in time, for Felix woke up 20 minutes afterwards as Hyunjin was struggling to remove the shard he was close but Kyungsoo pierced it deep into his skin as Hyunjin panted roughly. Felix rushed over concerned as he ran upstairs into his bathroom to grab some items to treat Hyunjin's wound.

Felix rushed back down the stairs pressing something softly underneath his wound as Hyunjin winced. "What happened?" Felix asked. "It's a hard to explain." Hyunjin clarified. "Well I have all day Hyunnie." Felix whispered softly, he looked at Hyunjin. "I'd rather avoid explaining." Hyunjin mumbled. "Is it that embarrassed?" Felix asked. "More like to keep you protected." Hyunjin said.

"Whatever helps you Hyunnie." Felix said. "Felix?" Hyunjin asked as he paused when Felix looked at him, getting distracted by Felix's eyes as Hyunjin's eyes shifted to the youngers neck. "What are you looking at?" Felix asked as he looked behind himself snapping Hyunjin out of his thoughts. "Sorry, I was zoning out." Hyunjin said as he scratched the back of his neck.

Felix giggled as he shook his head. "Your just sleep deprived." Felix said. Hyunjin watched Felix walk into the kitchen and place everything away in one of his empty drawers. Felix walked back over. "I'm gonna head back to bed." Felix was about to crawl back onto the couch until Hyunjin spoke. "In your room." He said. "What?" Felix asked. "I said, we should go to your room for reasons." Hyunjin said. Felix was confused but he didn't reject it. Felix led Hyunjin to his room as Felix crawled in the bed and curled up under the covers, he immediately passed out.

Hyunjin slipped under the covers next to Felix, when Hyunjin was sure Felix was asleep he wrapped his arms around the smaller male and looked up seeing the piercing eyes of a bat as Hyunjin glared at it, then did it fly away. "I promise to keep you safe, Felix." Hyunjin mumbled in his sleep.

The lights struck through the window and Hyunjin got up. He noticed Felix wasn't next to him about to panic as he got to the side of the bed and sat until Felix walked out of the bathroom and walked up to Hyunjin. "You okay Hyunnie?" Felix asked. Hyunjin let out a sigh of relief. Hyunjin placed his hands on Felix's waist unintentionally. Felix gasped at the contact but it seemed Hyunjin hadn't noticed his own actions. "Yeah I'm okay." He answered. Felix looked down at Hyunjin's hands and then did Hyunjin notice as he quickly removed his hands. "Sorry." Hyunjin said softly.

Felix backed up slightly. "Its alright." Felix said, Hyunjin took note of the way Felix backed up. Hyunjin stood up, Felix backed up again, Hyunjin took note a second time as Hyunjin walked downstairs Felix following behind the older. "I should get back home." Hyunjin said. "Wait," Felix began as Hyunjin turned around slight hope in his chest. "Take it easy on that shoulder okay?" Felix said. The hope left immediately and Hyunjin exhaled nodding. Hyunjin walked out the door and it was something about Hyunjin leaving that made Felix feel down all of a sudden. "Why'd I let him go?" Felix whispered softly.

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