A bumpy road ahead. Chapter 3

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"Speaking out loud"
"Screaming/Pain in voice"
Emphasis of actions

"Sacred gear speaking"
:Sacred gear speaking with host:

I woke up and chose war against my keyboard, Chapter coming out left and right today. Lol

Everything from start to finish in the one may feel rushed, but it'll make sense further into everything! Do have some faith in my writing thanks. Lmao 

This is a lighter fluff/Semi-lewd chapter and serious development this chapter, I'm not apologizing and ya know I can't always be 200% doom and gloom okay. 


               [Some Limes ahead mixed in, I'm not sorry.]
            ~Close to four in the morning, Koneko's room~

To say Issei was confused waking up in her bed would definitely sum things up... He thought everything was some weird fever dream as he was dying but looked down and yep, Cat ears.... And he did what any guy in this situation would do. He carefully turned and reached up gently stroking them clearly loving the feeling of them but he wasn't quite aware of what he was doing to her.

He woke up a sleeping beast of a woman in the teenage cat-girl quite swiftly as she stared up at him with predatory eyes.  It only took him a moment or two to register that look that clearly said 'Keep that up and I'll fuck you within an inch of your existence.' He could of swore her pupils had turned into hearts for a moment as she shook her head to calm herself down... Sure as hell wasn't telepathy that got the message across but it might as well have been as he'd promptly cease his actions seeing Koneko audibly and pretty literally panting with what looked like puffs of steam leaving her lips as she muttered to him...

 "Sheesh... I know I said it was welcome but you are very forward aren't you...?" Causing the Brunette to turn such a dark shade of red that she thought he was a red dragon for a moment. "...Cute." was all she muttered as she looked over a the clock, They had well over four and a half hours before school would start anyway. 

She was sincerely lucky it wasn't a heat cycle when he chose to do that or else she might have missed a whole day of school, It was pretty duly noted that he was VERY good with his hands. She knew it somewhat from when he was petting her but she never expected him to be so gentle or caring with her in her neko form or that she'd be so damn sensitive to it. A part of her was admittedly curious of what those touches would feel like on her tail but she'd snap herself out of that daydream real damn fast as he spoke softly trying not to wake up the house. "So uh.... I'm pretty sure you just had hearts for pupils.... Am I seriously going nuts or-...." She'd sigh deeply with a awkward expression trying to think of how to explain this "Simply put, It's something my sister did so she can tell if I uh... How do I say this.... If I-I... go into heat, It's dangerous for our race as I'm sure you can fathom from the stare I was giving you." 

Without missing a beat he quite literally blurted out "So you have literal 'fuck me' eyes, got it." before he'd cover his mouth looking absolutely horrified that he said that out-loud which put the poor cat girl in stitches laughing. It was certainly a first time she heard it put that boldly "Yes Ise, I quite literally do... So uh, be careful with those magic hands of yours okay? And, Be damn sure not to show my sister that talent..." She'd give him a small jab to the side with her elbow as they just laid there holding onto one another. Certainly not how he thought he'd wake up with his new friend but he sure as hell wasn't going to make it awkward in that regard as she clearly trusted him near her almost nude body. 

The million dollar question finally landed as he was far less exhausted now as he'd jokingly raise his hand as she'd lick his cheek leaving him with quite the bewildered look as she chimed out with a truly playful tone. "Feel free to share with the class, Do that again and I'll lick you again out of spite though~ Your expressions are fucking priceless." She'd giggle clearly listening intently as she still radiated that soft blue light as the boy began to speak exactly what was on his mind "...So, Why me? Why help me specifically. I heard about...sacred gears, whatever those are but like- Your actions are far too personal to just want to use me or some stupid bullshit answer like that. The look from you and your sister's eyes is... far too piercing and understanding as if you've witnessed everything I've been throu-."

His words were cut off as he began slowly seeing what looked like a small clip playing in front of him of the day she lost her mother and father to a car wreck on paper but a supernatural attack in reality. Then of all the endless painful days of training under a interesting looking Kitsune as his words began to resume.

 "Oh... dear gods and goddesses above..... I... I am so sorry you had to go through that wait.... does that mean....." He was slowly piecing two and two together and the realization hit him like a brick wall. "...Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, That means both you and your sister saw my worst nightmares and memories in person... and experienced everything.. I could feel your pain from that small look into everything and just.. I know how broken I am... I just---" He was cut off with a soft kiss as she knew that was the fastest mental reset she could pull effectively giving up her first kiss to calm down her new found friend.  And, Shut him up it did.

The male had damn near flailed trying his best to calm himself down knowing the meaning behind her actions. He wasn't dense nor was he a moron. "...Was that really fine, Koneko...?" He'd tilt his head to the side looking into her eyes clearly calm now "I can understand the feeling of knowing you better now... I can't imagine how close you feel to me but please never do anything that would make you uncomfortable." 

Even now in a moment like this, The boy was exuding an aura of caring and compassion that made her feel wanted and she knew he'd never see himself in this light... well, not for a long time anyway.. That made her feel like she should do her best to help make things better and he could in turn feel everything she was feeling. Turns out having Senjutsu used on him so often actually awakened it inside of him subconsciously. A very welcome surprise to her as this means she has even more reason to spend time with him as a teacher now. She had secretly hoped he'd be a power type like her... The truth of the matter will probably shock the supernatural world down the line though.

Her eyes seemed to light up a deep purple for a moment as she'd look him over from head to toe to confirm it entirely as she spoke with a sincere joy "Well, I guess that's as official a welcome to the supernatural as it gets.... You've gained the ability to use Ki to some extent and it's... actually mind boggling how deep your systems run. You have higher potential then either my sister or myself." The catgirl upon realizing this reached over grabbing issei's phone and called Serafall to get Sona's number. Quickly, She added it into his phone and gave her the interesting news to which he could hear her cheering in her usual childish manner before having to hang up. 

They both shared a look of 'I can't get used to that, at all.' before the dial tone began for Sona's number. A very groggy Sona answered hearing both Koneko and Issei on the other end "So, Sona... I'm going to have to take Issei and my sister to Kiyoto for a week. Issei seems to have awakened quite the vast ability to learn Senjutsu and Ki manipulation.... To the point it's stronger then both of us potentially." The sound of Sona gasping before springing up and beginning to write out some papers could be heard.  She had definitely put the fire under the stu'co president as a now wide awake Sona was heard. "You can go, But promise me to try your hardest Issei. And, Shirone you should probably take Artemis with you. Just a hunch she'll be useful to training his resolve and technique. If he has that much potential you should make him a perfect all-rounder."

The thought hadn't even crossed her mind until it was brought up as she stared up at the boy with sparkles in her eyes. "Hey, Ise... When I'm through with you no one in this world outside of the top twenty should be able to mess with you again~ I hope you're ready for that~" A visible sweat drop appeared over his head as he'd seem to mull it over in his head before he'd just shrug "Fuck it, Not like my family will miss me. Not like I have any better plans and... uh, I'd like to visit Kiyoto with you, Kuroka and Artemis to get to know you all better." 

She had started blushing more and more upon hearing those words. What she hadn't told him yet was due to the glowing blue light she could feel everything he was thinking and she heard that hidden desire loud and clear. He wanted to date them all but wouldn't ever be able to approach the issue so he'd rather get to know them and pick one... That said, The white cat was more of a schemer then her sister in some regards. And, This moment was no exception to that as she had a grin wider then the Cheshire cat himself and she would say something knowing Sona was still listening

"Hey, Prez. Are you going to be the one to tell him about that or should I~?" The sound of writing stopped dead in it's tracks as she knew exactly what the nekoshou was hinting at. "...Are you REALLY going to make me tell him that?" To which she got a catty "Yep yep~" followed up by Sona face-desking trying to knock herself out but failing with a groan. "So, Loverboy. What she's trying to force me to mention is harems are common place in the supernatural. Oh, and if she's got a blue aura around her she can currently read your thoughts. Take that you fucking cat."  Koneko's tone was absolutely indignant and sassy when she revealed her trump card. "Oh you bitch, I WAS GOING TO HAVE FUN WITH THAT WHY!? " You could almost see sona shrugging with a smug smirk "Because let's face it, You can beat my ass six ways to sunday. I have to take a win somehow." 

The exchange actually had Issei rolling in the bed laughing for a moment before those words sunk into his head giving him the most dumbfounded stare possible "...Wait- What." The gears had began slowly chugging along and Koneko had changed it to a voice call so Sona could watch this too. It was actually comical to watch with how expressive the boy was when he was calm. The confusion, the excitement, the relief, the guilt, the consideration, and then back to excitement as it all settled in "HOLY SHIT I DON'T HAVE TO FORCE MYSELF TO PICK!?!? "

He was over the moon at that moment as he had admittedly fallen for each of the three for his own reasons. To which Koneko immediately ripped the wind out of his sails for fun, Though it wasn't quite out of jealousy or anything just aimed to keep him grounded "Well, Yeah. Me and sis will probably want to share you, Though I'm not too sure with Artemis, I heard from her you hugged her and she didn't freak out so like... Ya probably have a far better chance then any other man alive."  To say the boy looked like a kicked puppy was the most accurate thought that both Sona and The catgirl shared as she'd wave and hang up the call with a mutual giggle between the two.

"You can figure all of that out over the next week or so, Take your time. Don't rush anything and fully confirm how you feel about all of us. It might be a passing phase or a hero complex." Though she knew better then that, And it was said purely for his own benefit he took those thoughts to heart. he didn't want to risk hurting any of the girls either. 

He put the breaks on all of that for a moment as he'd seem pensive as he'd speak slowly and as calmly as he could about this "I fully realize I won't always be able to be this... relaxed, Especially without you by my side. But, Uh... This is nice honestly. It scares me to think of how hard all of this is gonna hit me once it all sinks in that I nearly killed myself though."

A look of shock and horror had splayed across the catgirl's face as she too realized he hasn't had time to process a damn bit of this properly. Part of why he's taking all of this so well is definitely the fact he's most likely in shock still and it made her let out a distressed mewl "Ise... I'm very sorry to be rushing you into all of this. I just, I've never been so excited to have a new friend.... because of what I am I can't really get close to anyone for fear of exposing them to this world I live in..." She admitted as her ears had completely folded to the top of her head her previously wagging tails would stop and coil against his leg as if trying her best to comfort him as she clung to him with renewed fervor. 'It really will be a bumpy road ahead....' She would think to herself as she silently snuggles into him with growing depth.

Around an hour or so passed in sheer smothering silence as he'd reach up gently stroking her head as he noticed the blue aura had faded away. She was giving him time to truly feel what he needed to feel as it all came crashing in at once as the boy began sobbing into her pillow pulling her in closer "...I nearly did something so fucking stupid... When you caught me it was like a scene from an anime or a movie... I honestly.... I think I fell in love with those beautiful eyes of yours when I looked into them and saw those cute ears of yours... I know that's probably shallow, It's the same thing I noticed with Artemis... You are both too beautiful in your own rights, I can't contain myself when I think about it... I adore your sister's wit and caring nature, it's clear she took more time to think about how to handle me as a whole then most in my life have spared me even a notion of disgust, She's a wonderful person." 

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