Discoveries, Opinions and false ideas, Chapter 5

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"Speaking out loud"
"Screaming/Pain in voice"
Emphasis of actions
"Sacred gear speaking"
:Sacred gear speaking with host:
|Memories playing out|

Hope you're enjoying the story, As the characters have implied, Things will get much darker over time before they get better.  I'm not going full grim dark on the story, But you'll catch glances into it. 
                                   (ha, cat pun.)
Some feels and cute fluffy romance ahead too, I'm not sorry.

Also, Sorry it took so long to get a chapter out, I am currently sick. :( 

Once again, Enjoy the chapter. It'll be abit longer then what I've written for other chapters in this story. 


                    Sometime around 7:10, The Mansion foyer 

Issei had since woken up and gotten up out of bed making his way out of the room and out the front door with a rather pensive look on his face after the long conversation he had with Boreas.

Even with the two girls in bed waiting for him inside he clearly had far too much on his mind that he didn't even know where to begin attempting to address, So he opened the front door to the fresh morning air and took a deep breath before settling out on an idea. 

The brunette did something he honestly didn't think he had in him. He took a step forward in the right direction and pulled out his phone calling Serafall as she had told him to do when he needed someone. The phone would go to a dial tone twice before he heard someone pick up on the other end. He could only hope Kuroka and Koneko would be asleep for a while so he could get this out of his mind without worrying either of them.

The maou gone magical girl seemed absolutely delighted at first to see that he had called when she picked up but she dropped the usual personality when she heard his voice, It was pretty clear he had a lot to say as she'd chime in with a soft and sincere tone "Hey Issei, You good?"

To which his voice was quiet and shaky at best, like he was bordering on breaking down due to the overwhelming pressure of the night before. "H-hey... Sera-tan, Are you uh... Able to talk currently? I'm not interrupting you in anything right...? I hate to be a bother but uh... I need someone to talk to about a few things and you were the only one I could turn to. Koneko and Kuroka are both asleep... And, Well... There's a ton I need to discuss to the point I don't even know where to begin or if I can even tell you some of it... And, I need your sincere promise that this stays between us... I want to trust you but I can't trust easily... I'm sorry to ask this of you. I want you to explain this to your sister too later so I don't have to repeat this a second time."

Much to his surprise, A circle would open up and out would step the magical girl herself dragging the boy down into a tight hug "Of course you have my word, and I will gladly inform Sona-tan as per your request. I promised you one on one that what is said won't leave our conversations... What's on your mind, Ise. I told you before, I am here for you... I'd normally put on the whole bubbly persona but it seems that'd do more harm then good currently. Especially if it's something so serious you're questioning if you can even directly tell me of it... Did something bad happen?"

She had a peculiar look as she could clearly smell the scent of two different perfumes coming off of him which raised a question "Were you sleeping with the two cat-girls, Ise~? Seems you've made some progress there~ And, Sorry for side-tracking you. Please, Talk to me."

To that remark, He'd turn a few shades of red giving a soft nod  "I... Mh, I think she'd be fine with me telling you... I started dating Koneko, it was sort of a spur of the moment thing and we were both on quite the emotional high at the time... But, She makes me feel safe, She makes me feel loved when even my own parents didn't do either of those... I'd sooner end the world then make her cry if I have a say in the matter. That is what I've set in my mind. And, I think I may actually have the power to do that in due time after what I discovered about myself...." He'd let out a somewhat dark laugh, It was clear he didn't mean it as a threat to anyone but with his tone it'd be hard to know that. 

He took a deep breath trying to center himself as too many dark thoughts of revenge were going through his head. A knowing look spread across the woman's features as she knew that look far too well after dealing with the civil war. Her voice came across as a hardened veteran. "Revenge will make you feel better for the moment, But hate breeds hate. I'm a devil, I'd know this better then anyone since we revel in sin time to time... Wrath and pride are quite dangerous y'know, Issei. Never let power go to your head."

There was a very deep pause as those words stuck with Issei as he honestly understood them far deeper and closely then she'd ever know, Well... For the moment. In the past he'd nearly been expelled for fighting back even though it only made things worse for him. He had witnessed what human pride and status looked like so he could only imagine how bad it would be with devils. He seemed to shake his head from side to side at that thought as he clearly made his mind up over something major.

He pulled back in the hug standing before her as his gaze seemed to change, His amber eyes temporarily flashed a hue reminding her of her own sister's but far deeper and more dangerous. The very air itself actively whipped around them in that moment like a gale had began stopping as quickly as it began.

His voice came out steady and slow "...I possess a sacred gear, A longinus that isn't exactly on the record... I pray this doesn't leave our one on one conversation here. Because, I'm pretty sure Boreas would lose her fucking mind and go after all parties involved simply because my trust was betrayed again... I'm telling you this with the utmost of trust, As Maou Leviathan beyond just Serafall... If I am to understand your title correctly.. Oh, and uh... She's a female incase devils have it wrong too. Rather not have her try to possess me or something if that's possible...." 

Alarm bells unlike any other were going off in the woman's mind hearing that name. As a child she was warned of tales from the older generations of what would happen if you angered the one by that name. She stared at him with a varying range of emotions flashing across her face. Shock, Surprise, Awe and finally understanding to some extent. Were the ones the brown haired boy could pick out.

Her tone turned deathly serious. And a barrier immediately brought up around them so no one could possibly listen in. "And, Who else is aware of this. You should have warned me before dropping something like that in my lap. Let alone said that out loud, Satan knows who could have been listening in. The supernatural world is far more deadly then you think. Please, Exercise more caution even if you feel you can trust me. Believe me, I am thankful you trust me enough to tell me this even if it confuses me slightly as to why you would do so. I am sure you understand how dangerous that information is..."

His eyes had shifted back to their usual brown, a distinct softness seen through them as he'd let out a soft laugh "Call it instinct of a broken man, Much like your sister. Neither of you doubted me for even a moment upon meeting me and you only tried to do right by me... I have met many, many people... Even if I foolishly try to put my trust in some of them. But, You and the girls all seem to just have the best of intentions for me. If I can't reciprocate that to some degree nothing will ever change for me and I'll just end up back in that hole I'm slowly crawling out of."  

He'd double back on her question with a sigh as he spoke slowly "Out of the other three who are aware, It'd be; My kitten, Her sister and Artemis. They were all within' my soul...mind... dream thing..?"

He wasn't sure how to explain it at all though he'd cough awkwardly as he'd go to continue what he had to say "They suddenly appeared when Boreas challenged me to a race for the right to become a candidate for the position of the king of the sky, Apparently... I thought it was the right to use the sacred gear but no. It was... interesting honestly, I've never felt so free and I think I will use this new found ability to protect those who protected me, Yourself included Serafall. I also managed to awaken Ki, I'll be going to Kiyoto to train under the person who trained Kuroka and Shirone. According to Kuroka, this has never happened before and someone named... Azuzel..? Azeezel...? Azazel...? I'm sorry, I'm awful with weird names. But, yeah. She said they'd lose their mind knowing this happened."

She was intently listening with her eyes sparkling to a varying degree hearing someone actually will occupy that title once again beyond who was regarded as a mad goddess. "That would explain... the whole fiasco I witnessed... You sent waves of panic through heaven as their sacred gear system started going wild trying to detect what was happening. It was kind of comical seeing them skitter around through my scrying orb. I am guessing it only had parameters for the primary 13 Longinus..." She'd remark with a devilish smirk, Clearly implying she keeps tabs on heaven which would raise a few questions for Issei for later.

The boy only raised an eyebrow before simply stating "That's mildly disconcerting, Not going to lie to you. But, uh... This is what I figured out so far with the gear. It's... going to be rather overpowered if I can design it well enough over time." Once more, he said something baffling to the magical girl clad in pink, Her voice was mystified and she was truly wide eyed as she gasped before whispering "Did you just say 'design' as in, you chose how your sacred gear would form...? " This was news that would shake the fundamental understanding of the entire existence of the tools.  

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