Kings landing

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'There's a pass to the left by the Cliff, the guards never patrol it... to many steps' davvos told Tyrion.

'wait you're not staying here? What if someone takes the boat?' Tyrion questioned as Davvos made his way up the pathway

'Then we best hurry' ser davvos said

'I needed to see you and I knew you would never agree to meet,'

' you made me look like a complete fool!' Jaime shouted In the tunnels, damn Bronn tricking him.

'I thought I would surprise you by hitting the rock but you were three steps ahead of me father would've been proud.' Tyrion told him

'Don't talk about father' Jaime snapped

'Jaime please'

'I told Bronn that if I ever saw you again I would cut your head off!' Jaime threatened.

'It would take you a while with a sparring sword' tyrion remarked 'He was going to execute me he knew I was innocent. He didn't hate me because what I did, he hated me because of what I am, the little monster sent to punish him... did you think I wanted to be born this way do you think I chose to be born this Way?' Tyrion questioned. 'and once father broke kat, you know he was trying to break her, change her, he would have treated jac the same damn way and you know it!'

'What do you want?' Jaime shouted

'Daenerys will win this war. you're a military man you must know there's no way around it Daenerys is not her father she's even willing to suspend hostility if Cersei agrees to terms.' Tyrion told him.

'Do you want cersei to bend the knee?'

'No... not right now anyways she has more important request.'


Gendry stood near the boat waiting while Tyrion rush past the guards hoping they wouldn't notice him.

"Dwarf where did you get that scar?' well shit

"we're looking for a man with a scar like that a while back.' The other remarked tryiong to get a better look at him. But Gendry saw the danger and acted quickly, he took a mallet and smashed them both over the head they fell down dead.

'time to go' Tyrion said. 

His Pirate // Tyrion Lannister (2)Where stories live. Discover now