The Siege of Brimstone

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I took the key and melted it down,
my rage scorched it
to a bubbling boil;
I poured its fuel in your face,
lit your eyes ablaze with my own.

It burned me too,
I thought you knew,
how my skin was blistering white,
while the flame for you was blue.

I saw you flinch, so I held my breath,
watched your face flicker to remain,
a mask made of stone,
a fortress in your head,
a dungeon bloodying your heart.

I could feel myself melting away;
my words-- burning ships to embers on a midnight sea,
sinking anchors
into the sands of your mind,
mixing in the ashes of our time.

I could not stand to look upon
your grey face any longer;
I once sat by the crackling hearth,
warmed my hands on your loving heart,
but now I was an outsider looking in.

In a desperate seige,
I broke my way back through,
let us both get burnt
and battered and bruised,
in a clawing attempt
to get back to you.

Hoping you'd remember my rain,
and let me douse
the climbing flames,
you only responded with thunder--
remaining wasn't any use.

I couldn't bear to see your dismay;
wallowing in the black smoke
I'd sent your way,
I tried to find peace
but I found none;
the smell of brimstone was hot
and it was choking my lungs,
with a cloud of insurmountable guilt that I had failed you all along.

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