The Prologue : Highschool DXD really ?

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Disclaimer : I don't really see the point of these anyways , do we fanfiction authors look like we own these animes ?

No I don't own shit except for my oc and system.


Sageus Pov :

As I had come to spend my last moments of my life I had come to realise how truly misfortunate my life was, I began wondering how did it come to such a sad conclusion as I turned my head and saw the the various dragon ball merchandise around the room. Some may say " Why is a 100 year old bothering with these kind of things" , let me tell you. When your entire fucking life has been nothing but shit on shit this kind of thing happens , you feeling me ?

As I was deep in my musings I suddenly began to feel a sudden shortness of breath at first I was confused and then I realised,  I must be dying ... Man this really sucks....  I began to feel the oxygen leave my body as my heart slowly began to slow its beating






As my heart had stopped beating I saw one last weird thing before I had left , strangely enough it was a shining shining red looking screen with the words " GAME OVER " written over with Bold white capital letters, I suddenly felt the void overtake me while I was in my final thoughts as I had moved on from this plane of existence.....

In a empty void of darkness...

Suddenly I wake up as I found myself in an empty plane filled with nothing but a void...

I look around and saw nothing but an entire expanse of black emptiness .... it seems I currently found myself completely naked in the middle of a void ... Great....

Sageus : "Where the hell am I ?"

As I spoke I noticed my voice sounded a lot younger... it was as if I was in my twenties .... weird .... but was what was more weird was that thing that popped up before I died , I mean ... What the absolute fuck ?


As I once again interrupted  from my own musings by this weird sound that awfully sounded robotic , I looked towards the culprit and saw a screen, Only this time .... It was a blue screen.

" Hello , You have been chosen to be the first Fiction-Versal system user in existence!"
" Do you accept ?


As I stared at the screen with wide eyes completely in disbelief I once again had wandered back onto my thoughts....

Okay what the absolute hell ? A system ? Is this some kind of cheap ass Chinese or Korean manhwa / manhua? Also what kind of name is fiction-Versal system ?

I mean this thing is so cliche that it hurts, not like I am complaining alot of people want to be in my shoes qt the moment....

Looking back the screen, just by thinking about the option "Yes" it ringed once more, it seemed to have worked...


"The system is scanning the user ......"

Okay totally not creepy.


" After scanning you and monitoring your memories the system has decided to give you rewards based on the tragic events and how you acted during those events that transpired in your life the system had noted a total of 5 events ."


Before I could even process the fact that it had the audacity to look into my fucking personal life another screen appeared.

1. Parents car crash , action taken : cry like a baby and achieve the legendary emo state , 69 R points

2, Grandparents murder , action taken : murderer successfully  brought into justice, 31 R points

3.  Ship sunk during a storm, action taken : managed to raft simulator the shit out out of it three years, R 100 points

4.  Plane got yeeted, action taken : Actually survived such a 100% guarantee  death situation ....  bravo.... , R 100 points

5.  Die as a 100 year old Virgin, Impossible achievement , 300 points.


I couldn't help but twitch my eye as I read through all of them , As I stared into the last one I realised something.... HOLY FUCK.... I NEVER EVEB BOTHERED GETTING MYSELF IN A RELATIONSHIP.....  I actually died as a hundred year old virgin....

Sageus : Uh.... Damn.....


" You have earned a total of 600 points, As a reward for getting over 500 points the system would give you an offer would you like to spend 500 for a one time starter pack ?


I pondered for a bit and shrugged it off..... I mean whatever is in that starter pack can't be that bad ? I am also pretty much wandering into uncharted territory here, I will listen  to the system  for now...

I immediately thought  "Yes" and once again a bell noise that seemingly came out of nowhere had mysteriously ringed out in my mind, Jeez why is it so loud ?


" Thank you for accepting our offer, You will be able to receive receive the starter pack once this whole procedure has been completed.

The system is asking for your world preference for your transfer, Would you prefer to be in a the following

Comic verse / Anime verse / Cartoon verse / Book verse ?"

Hmm.... while comics are certainly interesting the anime verse seems far more entertaining....

Sageus : Anime verse

The screen changed without any noise this time .

" The average price for a ticket to a random anime verse is usually 100 R points while the price for a specific anime verse is 500 R points

Would you like to spend 100 R points for your transfer procedure ?"

Man ... I didn't think this through...  I mean ... what if I got sent to boku no pico ? Or worse ?What if i got stuck in a hentai anime instead of going to a sick verse like dragon ball.... Damn .... so many great opportunities yet so many possible tragic endings that would end up fucking my entire life up...

Well it's not like I can do anything about it, its either do or be stuck here forever so in the grand scheme of things I technically lose nothing...

Sageus : Sure whatever...

" initiating the anime world transfer procedure......

Setting the anime world transfer location to random,

Finding a random anime world............. Random world found....

Beginning transfer to the world of Highschool DXD...."

As a sudden weird white glowing circle appeared below me I began to comprehend what I had just heard. Wait.... hold on ...... Highschool Dxd ? Are you freaking kidding me ? That world is infested with a dozen red flags.  Like seriously ? If I am going there as I am right now I am either gonna get screwed by one of the factions , khoas brigade , trihexa or even the AXA gods.

Sageus : Wai...

Before I was about to say what I was going to say , The circle teleported me somewhere .

The end


Edit : Jeez why did nobody tell me there were so many shitty grammatical errors this is all because of that damned auto correct, Smh.

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