A strange yet interesting turn

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As the mush in Casey now full diaper things took a strange turn 

(Casey in her head) this feels kinda nice wait what am i thinking i cant be thinking this what would Alex think what if he calls me a freak or something

after a moment Casey snapped by to reality

(Alex) Casey Casey you ok 

(Casey) oh yea yea yea 

(Alex) so your fine with being in a full Messy Diaper

(Casey) oh that umm  no not at all why would you ever think that

(Alex) ok i guess you want a change 

(Casey) oh yea do you mind 

(Alex) looks like my small time babysitting my baby brother might just come in handy after all lay down and ill get some supplies your sister Nea said she had some 

as Casey sat down there was a sudden Noise (squelch) as Casey sat down her mess in here already messy Diaper spread to nearly every part of her Diaper

Alex walked into Nea's room 

(Alex) hey you know them Diaper supplies you talked about earlier do you still

(Nea) yep i got them here

As Nea got up and gave the supplies to Alex you could hear a very faint crinkling sound Alex could tell Nea was Diapered nether the less Alex left and when off to change his Diapered Girlfriend

after about 5 minutes of waiting Alex finally returned

(Alex) right lets get you changed

Casey looked away in shame but also in pleasure her own boyfriend was changing her Messy Diaper

Alex then proceed untapped Casey now full Diaper and cleaned Casey up 

Casey waited expecting her Panties when Alex pulled out another Diaper


(Alex) i don't  want anymore mess in my car then there already is

Casey begun to strop like a 3year old but eventually agreed to get Diapered again

After a very long 10 Minutes Alex was done 

(Alex) well that was a challenge 

Casey sat up and immediately hear her Diaper crinkle 

(Casey) can't you at least get me some leggings or trousers 

(Alex) oh yea

Alex rushed and packed a quick bag for Casey and grabbed some trousers for Casey to wear

(Alex) you ready to Go

(Casey) yep guess so 

Casey was worrying that someone would see or hear her diaper however was secretly loving the attention and care from her Boyfriend and the feel of her soft padding in between her legs as they left Casey's house to get into Alex's car and head to his house 

TO be continued

My secret Diapered sisterWhere stories live. Discover now