A new Chapter

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Alex and Casey arrived at Alex's house and begun to take all their belongings inside

(Alex)so um are you ok

(Casey)oh yea um im fine 

(Alex)hows your diaper doing

(Casey)oh oh um fine fine 

(Alex)you sure

Casey looked down at her soaked now yellow Diaper

(Casey) oh oh ummmm um i i didn't mean to

(Alex) its ok just glad it didn't leak right lets get you changed at this rate im going to have to buy you more diapers

Casey blushed at Alex comment but lay down and let Alex change her soaked Diaper

(Alex) right all changed

(Casey) t thanks 

(Alex)so about that scene i saw you in earlier

(Casey)oh that um i swear it wasn't what it looks like

(Alex)what was it then

(Casey) i know i probably sound crazy but i discovered Nea in her room in a diaper then after that i found out Nea has a stash of Diapers in her wardrobe and she has a camera in there and when she caught me looking in there she tricked me and cuffed me to my bed and Diapered me and i think she game me laxatives.

(Alex) woah Jeez are you being serious

(Casey) YES i swear you have to believe me

(Alex) i do don't worry i wonder why she has that stuff we only have a few weeks before we have to go back to university so we either need to find out now or find another way to why she has those things and is acting this way what plan do you think is best.

(Casey)its probably better to go before we go back to uni because we have separate Dorms in different buildings

(Alex) hmm true ill try think of a plan to try find out how we can manage to get her to share her secrets until then we have to wait and be careful i don't know what Nea has in store for you

To be continued

My secret Diapered sisterWhere stories live. Discover now