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it was close to dinner time, and thomas and i were scheming what we wanted to do during dinner.

"you know, this is actually somewhat working in my favor." he chuckled a bit at it.

"yeah? how so?" i raised my eyebrow, but i knew how it was helping him already.

"with teresa. i guess. nevermind, don't ask about it."

"wasn't planning on it." i chuckled.


thomas and i planned that i would grab my plate first and sit down next to newt. talk to him a bit, see if he's got anything to say, then thomas will come in and sit right down next to me. thomas agreed to squeeze my thigh, and run his hand up and down it. just the way newt liked to. and then from there, we'll figure it out.

tonight, fry was making his famous stew. one of the only foods that i could remember had the taste like it, so it was a favorite. i grabbed my plate, then scanned the area for newt. i saw him sitting on a log near the campfire alone. why not give him some company? i walked over and sat down, him immediately looking at me with burning eyes.

"hello there, newttie. how do you do?" i smirked.

no answer.

"rather rude of you to ignore me. i asked, how are you?" i repeated, and i could tell he was already annoyed.

"i'm just peachy." newt spoke.

"delightful. any new things happen lately?"

"none, actually." he avoided my gaze and i snickered. in the corner of my eye i could see the brunette of tommy waltzing towards us.

"hey." he nodded at me, then at newt who ignored him.

"miss me?" i giggled.

"plenty." he laughed. for some reason, thomas and i found all this extremely funny. us acting all coupley, it really wasn't us. it wasn't how our dynamic worked, but i was glad he wasn't all awkward about it.

"newt, did you get any gardening done today?" thomas grabbed his attention, then placed his hand on my right thigh, completely catching me off guard.

"yes." he was eyeing the hand as it made it's way higher and higher on my leg.

he sighed, "i've suddenly lost my appetite. come find me if you need me."

and with that, he took off. this confused thomas and i both. newt was very-practical-about what he does. he never backs away from anything, no matter what. so this? out of all things? strange.

"should i go after him?" i said.

"probably. go on now, i should go find teresa." he shrugged and i got up and walked toward the medical tent newt headed into.

i opened the curtain to see him sitting on the bed, arms crossed and eyes annoyed.

"we meet again." he looked at me, then looked away, "what's wrong? are we a bit..." i paused.

"jealous?" and he looked up.

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