A Dream Come True - Part II - kitephoenix

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“Stewart! Stewart come here! Oh my gosh,” my voice was literally ultrasonic as I clutched the bathroom sink to regain my balance. I then heard footsteps echo from the kitchen, to the hallway and then to the bathroom. Stewart was at the door as quick as a lightning bolt, eyebrows furrowed with concern and eyes alert with panic.

“What’s the matter?” he said; his voice shaking with trepidation.

“It kicked. The baby kicked. I could feel it with my own two hands,” I stuttered out, staring at Stewart as the anxiety from his face lifted and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Gosh I thought something was seriously wrong!” he chuckled and then tentatively rested his hands on my stomach, waiting for the little thing growing inside of me to kick once again. It was a couple of minutes before we both said anything again, we just both stood there in awe of this extraordinary thing that was unravelling in front of our eyes. Our baby. Our future.

So much had happened in a year. Just after we’d gotten married, Bayern Munich came in for Stewart and in a couple of months later; he’d switch from the glorious red of Liverpool to the passionate red of Bayern. It wasn’t at all a hard decision. Of course Stewart loved the North West of England, ever since he’d moved from club to club, Middlesbrough to Birmingham, he’d honestly thought the pride of Merseyside, the stature of a club like Liverpool would bring him some comfort, some kind of release from his home sickness. And it did. But when a club like Bayern comes in for you, there’s no turning that opportunity down. Bayern was the pride of Germany, Bayern was one of my loves, and Stewart would wear the colours of the team I cherished in my heart so dearly. He’d play alongside Basti and Manuel and Philipp. Of course I loved Liverpool; Liverpool was like a child of mine. Yet Germany was another exciting country to try out new things and start new adventures. Like this one, stood in the bathroom of our luxury penthouse suite just 20 minutes down the road from the Allianz Arena, waiting for our first child to let us know that he, or she, was well and that they’d be on their way out in a matter of months.

I then felt a real life thump inside of me. It shook my body, making me stumble back considerably; like an imaginary person had just kicked me right there and then.

“Wow,” my eyes widened. “Can you believe that?”

“Pretty amazing,” Stewart’s breathing was deep and utter surprise and disbelief was etched onto his face.

There was then a soft knock on the apartment door. Stewart sweetly smiled at me, took my hand and we both made our way to door and he opened it up. Basti was stood there idly scrolling through his phone, a brown paper bag of groceries balanced upon his hip.

Guten abend,” he waved his hand in semi-acknowledgement at us both, passing by me and down the hall.

“Basti!” I called after him, rolling my eyes at Stewart. He was always too immersed in his phone.

Ja?” he answered, placing the groceries down on the kitchen counter. This is what Basti did; he’d try and speak to us in German all the time now, just to help Stewart out with the language.

“The baby, it kicked,” Stewart grinned, literally from ear to ear as Basti’s face turned from disinterest to astonishment.

Ich verstehe nich,” Basti answered and I chuckled.

“It’s pretty straightforward to understand, Bastian. The baby is moving inside of me!” I answered him as he came over and placed his hands on my stomach.

“When do you find out the sex?” he asked, his eyes completely focussed on my stomach.

In zehn tagen,” I answered, smiling with ecstasy.

“Ten days?! That’s too long! I want to know whether I will be a godfather to a girl or a boy!” he exchanged glances with the both of us. “Oh man, this is brilliant.”

In a way, the three of us were like a small family. We did everything together, and when we told Basti I was to have myself and Stewart’s first child, I would say he was more over the moon than we were! He was going to help us out with everything; feeding, changing, walking, and talking. I was grateful. And I knew this baby, whether it be a beautiful baby girl or a handsome baby boy, would grow up with the best parents, and the best Basti, in the whole entire world.


Hey Phoenix :) the second part of your one shot, like I said I would write :) hope you like it!! It actually took me a while to write but seeing as you uploaded mine the other day, I thought I'd do the same :) thanks for the support you give me on my stories and thanks for being an amazing friend :') I hope to meet you soon :D

Take care :)) xxx

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