Until the World Ends - NeonJackalPenguin

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This is a one shot written for my friend Ellie, or NeonJackalPenguin :) she wanted something to do with zombies :P please go check out her stories if you have time :3

Ace slung a machete over his shoulder and started refilling his AK-47. I watched in terror as he stuffed ammo into the massive weapon. How he knew what he was doing, I had no idea.

“Call of Duty,” he said to me when he saw the look on my face. “That’s the only way you get to learn about these things, Ell.”

“But…but…” I replied. Words failed me. All this weapon talk was too complicated for someone like me.

“Ellie, could you grab the flamethrower from the store room?” Jay called to me. Currently he was filling a backpack with supplies.

“We have a flamethrower?!” I gasped.

“Ellie, now isn’t the time for questions!” Katrina, the head of this operation, barked at me.

I shuffled into the store room rolling my eyes. She really was a bitch. I grabbed the weapon and kept it at arm’s length and retreated back to Jay. He took it from me and gave me a smile.

“Okay trooper? Ready for this?”

“No,” I shook my head. “Not in anyway.”

“Trust me, you’ll be fine,” he set the flamethrower on the ground and patted me on the shoulder.

After that I looked around and sighed. It was depressing to know that these would be the last people I would see before I went to my death. Ace, Jay, Katrina and our techy-geek, Zak who was currently on look out.

I sat down on top of a cool-box filled with god-knows what and put my head in my hands. The world was ending. It felt so unreal right now. So unreal that I wanted to cry. All my friends and my family were dead, there was basically nothing left for me now out there.

But being one of the only survivors, I’d been recruited to try and end this…war, if you could really call it that. Katrina had found me and had immediately taken me to safety where I’d met Ace, Jay and Zak. I knew Ace and Zak from school but Jay was new. I don’t even know how I’d survived this apocalypse but I had and now I had to fight in it.

I turned my head towards the stairs when I heard noise. Zak ambled his way in, sweat and dirt strewn across his face.

“They’re here already, we need to move quickly,” Zak cried, out of breath. I went to him and heaved him over to where I’d been sat. He panted as I gave him water.

“What are you talking about, Zak? They were on the other side of the city the last time we checked,” Katrina said, panic rising in her voice.

“I must’ve read something wrong,” Zak gulped his water for a minute before he spoke again. “Or there have been more attacks and this is a completely new wave of zombies.”

The word made me shiver and wretch. Zombies. That was what was currently out there at the moment and we had to fight them. That’s what my family and friends had turned into…

“There must have been survivors then,” Katrina started fumbling around with her walkie-talkie.

“Hold up,” Ace said. “Zak, what happened, mate? We don’t even know the full story.”

Zak took a breath before answering “I was sat out on watch and one just…just came out of nowhere. There was nothing I could do but…” he trailed off and put his head in his hands.

“It’s okay, Zak,” I hugged him. “It had to be done at some point.”

“But I killed someone, Ellie,” he mumbled.

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