More Than Friends - Fabio Borini

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I literally wrote this in an hour so I apologise for the poor standard. Myself and Footballinheels decided last night that we'd upload a Fabio Borini one shot and then fangirl over it at the same time. I meaaaaaan....

By the way, I used the translator at the end and I'm sorry if anyone is Italian or understands Italian and it doesn't make sense haha :P anyway, enjoy :)

“Passport?” I asked Fabio as he bent down to retrieve something from his bottom draw. My best friend shook his head, stood up and then glanced at me.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” he replied with a small smile. He wandered to his hand luggage which was propped up next to me on the bed, rummaged around in it and then pulled out his passport, slapping me on the head with it as he did. “Don’t ever doubt me.”

“I never do, Fabio. I just know how forgetful you are, honey,” I replied, lying back on the bed and running my fingers through my hair.

Myself and footballer Fabio Borini had been friends for about 5 years now. Well, best friends really. I’d first met him in London when he was just a youngster at the youth academy at Chelsea. Ever since then he’d moved around a lot; Swansea City and AS Roma being the notable clubs he’d joined. Yet his time at both clubs was short lived. Just last year he’d been signed by, coincidentally, my favourite club Liverpool. The past season he’d done okay, scored plenty of goals and was hoping for another successful season this year. However now the both of us had planned a trip to Ibiza; we went together on holiday every year, making the off season without any tournament competitions our sort of big holidays. Granted, people thought we were bizarre. Fabio had been single for as long as I could remember now and, well, so had I. People, and by people I meant the lads at Liverpool, thought we were more than friends. Like a kind of friends with benefits thing. Ugh. I really didn’t think of him in that way; I only saw Fabio as my support and someone who would be there for me. Could I imagine myself dating him? Not really…

“Sierra,” I heard Fabio say. “Please go and do something useful. You’re stressing me out.”

“If you want me to help, Fab, just say,” I stretched and made a statement of curling up on his bed. I heard him chuckle. He then came up and flopped down next to me. I looked over at him; he had a huge smile plastered on his face.



“No, tell me!” I shoved him, yet he didn’t budge.

“Nothing, come on,” he pushed himself up on the bed and then helped me up. He had this look on his face and I couldn’t quite figure out what the look was for though…

In the end, I went and packed some sandwiches for our trip in the car. We were catching a ferry out there so we had to travel right down to the south of the country. It was maybe about an hour before we got anything packed into the car because Fabio seemed to have misplaced everything.

“If you’d just let me help…” I trailed off as I packed the last bag in the back of his Range Rover.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, climbing into the car and revving up the car.


We were just outside of Salisbury which was near Southampton. Fabio had stopped the car in a layby. We’d run out of petrol.

“How can you forget to fill up the tank for like a six hour round trip?” I asked with a stern frown on my face.

“Sierra, don’t even start,” he shook his head whilst typing in some numbers on his phone.

“You’ll forget your bloody head one day, I swear,” I watched as put his phone to his ear. Before soon, I realised he was speaking to his agent Marco. They usually spoke in rapid Italian to each other, so I had no idea what was going on.

He eventually ended the call. “We’re going to have to wait here for Marco to take us home.”

“Take us home?!” I stared at him. “Are you serious?”

“Have you seen the time? We’ve basically missed our ferry now, there’s no point,” Fabio shook his head and gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. “Damn it!”

I’d never been mad with Fabio before. Sometimes I would act mad in an attempt to get him to take me seriously but this was really annoying. He takes about an hour to get ready and then when we’re eventually out the door, he forgets he’s riding on half a tank of petrol.

I pushed the car door open, hopped out and slammed it with all my might. We were parked right next to a field, so I jumped the fence and started wandering over to a tree which was in the centre of it. I yawned and stretched myself so that I could get comfy, laid my head against the base and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself of anxiety and anger.


I heard a rustling and then a thump. I opened my eyes to find Fabio lying on the floor next to me.

“Hey,” he softly said. I rolled over onto my side and faced my best friend. “Can I apologise? I know this was meant to be special for the both of us and I’ve well and truly screwed up.”

I sighed. “Fab, it’s okay-“

“No, it’s not, Sierra,” he placed his hands on his face and took an intake of breath. “Can I tell you something?”

“Anything,” I nodded, feeling a lot calmer than I had earlier. Maybe the nap helped…

“For our fifth year as friends I was going to…” he leaned in towards me and placed a hand on my cheek. “I was going to ask you out.”

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. He had to be joking? Why would Fabio Borini, my best friend, striker for Liverpool, ask me out? I was a twat. I was so uncool. Fabio had to be pulling my leg.

“Say something,” Fabio pleaded, his Italian accent thicker than ever. Now that I thought about it, it was kind of sexy actually…

“You…really?” I asked, flabbergasted.

“There hasn’t been a time where I haven’t felt something other than friendship for you. I thought myself that we were always just close friends but I realised when you started to travel with me wherever I went, you had to be special,” he ran his fingers through my hair. “But if you don’t feel the same way, I will understand.”

My heart rattled inside of my rib cage, my lungs tightened and every bone in my body seemed to freeze. Did I feel the same way about Fabio? Maybe somewhere deep down I did. I always told myself that I would never be good enough for him, that we were just friends and that’s all we’d ever be. But maybe, just maybe, things could change…

“Let me just see something a minute,” and before Fabio knew it, I was planting my lips onto his, my hands finding his shoulder, his tongue colliding with mine as we lay here under a tree in a derelict field.

“Sarai mio?” Fabio asked, looking into my eyes as his fingers traced lines into my back.

I could understand enough Italian to know what that meant. “Yes, of course I’ll be yours.”

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