Twelfth Night - Suso

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I had an idea for a Suso one shot just because he's a little cutie pie :) and plus I'm studying Twelfth Night at school and it's really good x)

I'm not quite sure what I make of this but, tell me what you think anyway :) love ya! xx

“If music be the food of love, play on.”

I put my pen down and shook my head. Shakespeare had to have known that, at some point in the future, people like me would be taking his fantastic words of wisdom and using them to fuel my life. I don’t know. But the man is a bloody genius.

I manipulated the buttons on my iPod so that the sound was now at a minimum and took my right headphone from my ear. There seemed to be a commotion coming from outside the library doors. I turned in my seat to see Miss Redbridge enter the soundless library, a battered Nike football in her hands and Adam Morgan, Suso Fernández and my own twin brother Sebastian traipsing in after her. Sebastian looked over to where I was sat and waved.

“Viola!” he grinned and I turned back around and rolled my eyes, embarrassed that the fool had managed to get himself in trouble again.

It’s funny how people reacted when they found out that myself and Sebastian were siblings. We’re not identical twins, which meant I could get away with telling people that we’re not related at all! Sometimes Sebastian takes it a step too far though; poor old Mr West still believes that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend…stupid Sebastian…

A lot of people tended to make fun of me at school, purely because I was a nerd. Sebastian was always seen as the cool one because he had cool friends; then there was me who hung around in the library all break and lunch time because I was a loner…

Sebastian was friends with all the cooler kids who barely even look at me sometimes. Some of them do; the decent ones do. He’s friends with some of the youth team players at Liverpool Football Club and unbeknown to them, I’m actually in love with the club and every single player. All I do at lunch and break is read up the latest match report about LFC or read Shakespeare. However, yeah, people like Adam Morgan, Suso, Jack Robinson and Jon Flanagan are pretty cool; but all they see me as Sebastian’s sister; not a crazed Liverpool fan. They knew I supported the club but they didn’t know I was practically obsessed…

“Where art thou, Suso?” I sighed and looked towards the library office door where Sebastian, Adam and Suso were stood getting a good telling off from Miss Redbridge. I got the impression that they didn’t seem to care though because they all had mischievous grins on their faces. Plus, it was the end of Year 11 now so there was no point in punishing them.

Suso, though. He was an angel. I had a real soft spot for him, I must admit. Even before my brother had made friends with him, I’d see him walking around school like an absolute God. One time I passed him in a tightly compacted corridor, he shuffled past me and accidentally bumped my shoulder resulting in me dropping all my books which were stacked precariously in my arms. Of course, Suso helped me pick them up, yet even when he glanced at me, touched me as he gave me my books back, smiled and apologised in the little English that he knew; I developed some kind of hideous crush there and then.

“O spirit of love, how quick and fresh art thou.”

Jesús Joaquín Fernández Sáez de la Torre, or Suso as he was known to just about everyone, had only been at Liverpool Grammar School for Year 11, next year he would be leaving to focus on playing for Liverpool’s youth academy. Most of the lads at the youth academy, it didn’t matter whether they were foreign or not, had to go to school; that was the way things worked at the Kirkby based academy.

I continued to write my favourite lines from my favourite Shakespeare play, and coincidentally, two of the characters in the story were who myself and my twin were named after; Sebastian and Viola. I knew most of the lines that Shakespeare ever wrote anyway, mum had some kind of obsession with him; she’s passed it onto me.

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