Chapter 3

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I woke up with a coughing fit. As much as I love the chilly weather, my body always reacts negatively to cold. I remembered the mixture my mum told me to take. I hate taking it cause I have  to add honey to it and I never like the taste of honey even though I have honey at home. It tastes soo......weird. I stood up from the bed still coughing. Oliver's still on the bed looking as tired as I probably look. I check the time on my bedside alarm clock. 5:40am. 

Ughh... why oh why are you doing this to me Saturday.  What have I done to deserve this? 

I say a quick prayer and greet God good morning cause its always being my routine since I was a child. I might not be over religious but I know who I serve and serving God has been a blessing for me since I can remember. Although sometimes, things are tough, I still always believe God can turn bad times around. 

Another coughing fit and I'm standing up to boil water for the stupid mixture that actually relieves my cough. As I'm pouring water into the kettle, I hear Oliver pad across the room. I feel him brush past me in greeting and lay on the couch like he knows I'm probably not going back to the room soon. I place the kettle on the base and flip the switch. I get my charging phone and go over to the living room. I sit on the couch and beside Oliver.


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