Chapter 7

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I step in and he's already sitting down at his desk.

"Yes boss?" I say as submissively as possible. He doesn't say anything but just looks at me. The only emotion in his eyes are amusement.

Ok maybe he won't fire me for insulting his fiancée. He leans back in his chair smiling.

"Can you start bringing Oliver to work?" I was most certainly not expecting that.

"Uh-um sure"

"Is that all?"

"Yeah is there anything you need?"

"Need!?" I half-shout

"I thought you were going to fire me. Oh thank goodness, I was so scared. After what just happened there, I insulted you fiancée" I noticed that at the word fiancée, he scowls.

"I started to believe I had lost my job when you called me"

"Yeah, I could fire you but you have a dog that I want in this office and you obviously won't bring your dog here if you don't have a job here and she deserved that" I roll my eyes but sigh with relief nothing less.

"Which reminds me..." he trails off. He starts typing on his computer which is my cue to leave.


"I'm not fired" as I step out, I meet the expectant and anxious faces at the door except from Cara who had a glum face. They all erupted in cheers. I smiled at them, it truly was a relief to find out that I was not fired, I didn't want to go through the stress of looking for a new job. Noah and Oliver were still at my desk. Everyone was leaving so I quickly packed my stuff and Noah and I left the office. It had started to drizzle a bit by the time we got outside, we took shelter under a bus stop shelter nearby hoping that the rain would stop. While hurrying, I didn't put my laptop in my bag and I really don't want it getting wet. Noah and I sit on the bench in silence, watching Oliver trying to get away from the leash we put him on so he doesn't get in the rain. Its a bit painful to see him struggle against the leash cause I always feel dogs could get choked if they keep dragging on it so I release him from the leash but he doesn't even go in the rain, he just sits silently between Noah and I. I guess he didn't want to go in the rain, just to be free from the leash.

It seems to be getting heavier.

"What an odd day today has been"


"I mean, I woke up thinking today was gonna be a pretty normal day and here I am under a bus stop shelter with my lost lost friend and my dog praying for the rain to stop enough for me to get home and curl up in my bed looking out the window. That's like the best thing for me to do when its raining maybe except from sitting in the rain but I'll probably just get a cold like that" I stop rambling when I see Noah staring at me, he looks hurt, sad, surprised and behind everything, I can see the anger. I'm sure there's shock written on my face.

"What?" he looks away quickly.


"Stop lying to me" I say rolling my eyes

"You called me your friend" the hurt, sadness, surprise and anger is still mixed in, its clearer now cause he's speaking.

"So are you angry or what?"

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