Chapter 5

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To anyone reading this.
If you saw someone going through self and non-self inflicting pain, would you report even when the person tells you not to?
Thanks for reading. ❤


I unlock the door and head straight to the showers cause its already in the afternoon and before you know it *snap* its tomorrow morning and I've not even started  the report. Oliver follows behind me and tries to shut the door with his butt but fails faithfully. I laugh cause when he tries to do it he always fails. Its not like I actually expect it to shut. I'm about to take off my clothes when my phone rings. *Groan* 

Its my boss. Why is he calling me?

"Yes Mr. Brian, Cara already delivered your message. I-" I pause cause I was just about to tell my boss that I'm about to have my bath which I am pretty sure is not professional.


"Sorry, um...I'm about to get started on it soon" 

"Ok good, and enjoy the rest of your weekend" he chuckles when he says that cause he thinks the stupid joke is funny.

"Sure, I'll enjoy it with the work you just gave me" I almost shout into the phone. 

I hear him laughing from the other side, "Don't worry, you'll receive a reward"

"Yeah, it had better be a leave of absence for a whole month from work"

"I can't do that Eleanor. I can't do without my favorite assistant and person in the whole office. I really can't do without seeing your face" 

"Boss, you should really stop calling me your assistant, your actual assistant doesn't like that" I point out for the billionth time. 

"Then I'll fire her"

*Gasp* my boss is wild but he has never said something like that before.

"No you won't, I don't even do half of what she does" after I say that I hear a mumble.

"What did you say?" 

"Nothing- ugh I said then I'll train you to do what she does" 

"And what if I refuse?"

"I'll make you accept it Eleanor" he says this while laughing, which gets me laughing too.

In between laughing fits, I say, "Boss I have to go so I can have my bath and start the report" I slip out before its too late to stop it. There's awkward silence for a few seconds with me wishing that he didn't hear that.

"So that's what you didn't want to say" he says quietly.

"I have to go. Bye" I hurriedly say and cut the call. Aaaaand I just cut the call on my boss. Oh well... I'm most definitely not calling him back to apologize.

I quickly remove my clothes while Oliver hides his eyes under my duvet.

I take a cold shower cause, why not? I really want to run the water through my hair but I gotta wait till I'm ready to loosen my hair. I change into my inside shorts and my grey sweater. I pick my laptop and my phone and head to the living room with Oliver trailing behind me.

When I go for boring meetings like that business conference I went for recently, I always put on the voice recording app on my phone so I make sure that I don't miss some of the important stuff they say, sometimes, I even point my phone camera to the person speaking.

I so don't want to do this but I have to cause  I'm trying not to be lazy. I start compiling all the important information that was said.

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