Chapter 6

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I'm trying to force myself off the bed as I hear my ringing phone. 

"The once was a ship that put to sea
The name of the ship was was the Billy of Tea,
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down

Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go"

"Eleanor speaking" I said, not bothering to even look at the caller I.D

"Oluwaseun" who calls me Oluwaseun? 

I try to crack my brain. Then it hits me. 

My mother.

"Good morning ma, is there a problem, why are you calling me, is everything fine?" I ask cause I'm suddenly worried.

"Ah, does there have to be a problem before I call my only child? I just called to greet you, how has your day been?" 

"My day? Which day are you talking about? My day hasn't even started and you are asking about my day" immediately I said that, it hit me that my mum was having her normal morning bit of amnesia...again.

She started having it about three months ago when a her closest step-sister died. I thought it had stopped but apparently, it hasn't so I have to be patient with her.

"Eleanor, what are you talking about, its 10pm and I've not spoken to you for days. What do you mean by your day hasn't even started yet? Have you been drinking?" The time is 6:12 am.

Oh my daze, now she thinks I've been drinking even though she knows I don't drink after what happened with my uncle. I need to quickly calm her down before she thinks I'm pregnant or something. I take a deep breath so my voice doesn't sound shaky.

"Mummy, today is Monday-" I pause so that can sink in. "Its 6:12 am in the morning and I've not been drinking"

"Are you sure because-" 

"Mummy, I'm sure. The time here is the same as the time in Nigeria"



"I'll talk to you later. I have to get ready for work now" if I don't get off the phone now, my mom can talk for hours, making me forget that I have work today.

"Oh ok, I'll talk to you later then"

"Yes ma, bye" 


Its still very early so I have time to have my devotion. I take my Bible and devotion flipping to today's topic. Its talking about 'Honor for Parents'. As I read, I remember one particular debate I had with myself one time when my mum offended me and I got really angry.

I can't really remember what the fight was about, all I remember was that there was a lot of arguing and fighting. She was wrong and I was right, she just didn't want to accept. I was 15 then and to her, I was in my rebellious stage. After my mom was done shouting at me, we both stood in the living room staring at each other and I was trying my best to not say something rude. There was no one to rant to so I did the only thing I could think of, I took my phone and my bike and rode off. There was no reason to be scared because my life was no longer in danger like it was in Nigeria so I kept riding with angry tears on my face and didn't stop until I got to one gas station. I had calmed down by then but I was still angry. I kept asking God why he gave me such a mother who didn't give me a reason to respect her, who didn't give me a reason to love her or share my thoughts with her. 

Then and there, I heard God say that no matter what, I should honor her. The streets were quite so I could hear it clearly. Hearing from God then was a proof that God could see my heart. I continued to argue with God that I couldn't honor someone I couldn't love. 

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