Chapter 1;

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The fish still actively swam in their tank but it was after one in the morning so I decided to head to bed. I pushed myself up the stairs, flopping on the mattress. The silence laid heavy in the air; the only noise was the filter of the fish tank.


What was that? Am I going insane? I could've sworn I heard something but I tossed onto my side, continuing in my attempt to sleep.

Dude, I swear I was human a few hours ago; why the hell do I have fucking fins?

Just go with it, Frankie.

This is driving me insane... if I wasn't already. I couldn't tell if I was hallucinating or if I was hearing my psycho neighbors. Maybe if I just drink some water, that would help.

I hopped out of bed, heading downstairs to get a drink.

Hey. Hey, Mikey. Look, the sand is rainbow. Heheh, sssssssand.

The voices seemed to be getting closer with every stair I stepped upon.

Glub. Glub glub.

Holy shit, I hear something.

Ray, I swear to god, if you farted again-

No, it's a human. Shhh.

This was seriously beginning to scare the shit out of me. Maybe my house was haunted. That's probably the best thing to blame it on.

Hey, man. Look over here. Damn right, I'm a fish. Heheh, fissssshhhh.

I directed my attention towards the tank where five fish were looking my dead in the eyes.


I should've just stayed upstairs. The water was no longer of importance to me as I walked back up the stairs, locking my door and shoving earbuds into my ears, making sure I wouldn't hear anything besides the peacefulness of beautiful music.

I've flipped my fucking lid. What the hell is going on anymore? Maybe I'm just heavily sleep deprived. Yeah, that's it, I'm just tired. Maybe if I try to go to sleep, I'll be fine.


Author's Note

Sorry it took me so long to update this. I've been suffering from a Netflix addiction.


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