Chapter 4;

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"Mikes, come out of the cave, please," I pleaded.

"No," he muttered.

"Then eat something; it's been two days."


"I will drag you out by your fishnets, Mikey, I swear," Gerard huffed.

"That's not even funny." Mikey remained cooped up in the cave, in grief over Pete.

"Fine." I accepted defeat. There was no coaxing Mikey.

"Hey guys, where's Bob?" Gerard asked. He was no where to be seen.

"Ssssssssand," he muttered from under a massive amount of sand.

"Oh." Gerard mumbled. "You do realize you shouldn't eat that, right?"

"Ssssss- I'm fine. Look at me I'm a figure of health." He swished, lacking persuasion. His tail was the only thing visible as he dove back under, beginning to sing the Jaws theme song. He tunneled over towards Mikey's sorrowful cave, staying under the sand.

"Bob, out," Mikey ordered him while pointing a fin.

Bob pushed his head out, looking Mikey dead in the eyes.

"I said out," Mikey repeated.

Bob spit sand out of his mouth, showering Mikey.

"Ah, gawd, that's freaking disgusting," Mikey complained, leaving the cave.

"Heheheheheheh, sssssand."

Mikey was pissed now. "Fine, I'm out. Happy now gilboys?"

"Dude, you just insulted yourself, too," Frank laughed.

"Whatever," Mikey sighed. He yawned a little, accidentally sucking a fish pellet into his mouth and down into his stomach. "HELP ME, I ALMOST DIED!" He screamed, flapping his fins around spastically.

"Dude, calm down, you're fine," Frank said.


"Mikey, you're freaking insane; go eat food or something."


"Sure," Frank nodded.

"Ya'know, I'm glad you came out of the cave but if you're gonna be a delusional, psycho mess, you can leave. You're almost as bad as Jehovah's Witness," Gerard whined.

"You know what, screw you, then," Mikey muttered, returning to the cave.

"All I said was pull your head out of your gills, not PMS like a whiny teenager!" Gerard shouted after him.


I'm sorry this one is a short chapter and I haven't updated in a while. Thanks for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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