Chapter 2;

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Sunlight shined through my window, forcing me to cringe in disgust as I lifted my body from the bed. I swear, if anything weird happens today, I may just lose my mind.

A faint noise became more apparent as I slowly walked down the stairs.

"Shh, he's awake. Don't do anything stupid."

I'm losing my mind. Fish don't talk. It's impossible!

When I approached the fish tank, Bob looked up at me while eating the sand. I don't think fish are supposed to eat the sand...

"Heheheh, ssssssand."

"Bob, damn it, I told you to stay low-key!" This can't be happening. "Look, you're driving the man insane! All he wanted was a few normal fish!"

"I'm sorry, man. I couldn't help myself."

"You need to learn control, Bob."

"But the sand-"

"Wait, you're all talking fish?" I asked, extremely confused.

"Uhh, no?" Bob said, not persuading me at all.

"Mmhmm, sure."

"Oh god, this sand is really upsetting my stomach..."

"Then stop EATING THE SAND!" I shouted.

"But sand-" Bob started as he started licking the sand.

"That has to be seriously unhealthy."

"Bob has a heart problem," Gerard added in.

"Oh, I wonder why."

"That was sarcasm, wasn't it."

"Yes, very much so."

I left the fish to go make myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Mikey swam out of the cave and stared at me from the tank.

"H-hey, c-can I have some of th-those Fruit Loops?"

"I don't think fish can-"


"That doesn't sound like a good-"


"Bro, don't make me climb out of this tank," Frank joined in. "Gimme some of that coffee."

"What even-"

"Coffee." All the fish mumbled, creepily synchronized.

"Alright, alright. That's horrifying, I'll give you coffee, calm down." I stood up dumping some of my coffee into the filter.

"The Fruit Loops." Gerard sternly reminded.

"Ugh, okay." I dumped some cereal into the top of the tank, watching them all manifest at the top of the water.

"Thanks, dude." Bob added whilst crunching on fresh cereal.

I plunged my spoon into my now-soggy cereal, shoveling it in my mouth. I could make a lot of money off of these talking fish. If I just take a video and post it to YouTube, it'll be a hit!

"Hey guys, wanna be famous?"

"Sure, how?"

"Just talk and make a video with me," I said, showing them the camera.

Bob started hissing like a cat as he slowly retreated into the tiny fish cave.

"I don't think fish hiss..."

"That one does." Gerard gestured a fin towards Bob.

"Okay, so, the video," I said, pulling the lens cap off my camera. "Ready?" I pressed the record button.

Gerard instantly swam up to the front of the tank, posing like a Hollywood actress. Mikey cowered in a corner while Bob hid in the cave. Frank decided to join Gerard, getting all up in his personal space. And then that fish with the curly hair- HAIR? HE HAS HAIR NOW?!


"You're surprised because..." Gerard trailed off, questioningly while posing some more.

"At this point, I don't know."

Bob poked his head out of the cave to lick the sand. "GET THAT CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE, DUDE. CAN I EAT MY SAND IN PEACE."

"Eh, uh, Bob, you could've j-just stayed in th-the cave," Mikey reminded him.

"Shush it, fishboy."

"Don't call me fishboy, fishboy."

"Okay, guys, calm down," I said, trying to break them up.

"FIIIISHBOIIII," Frank screeched, floating across the front of the tank.

I stopped the video, putting the camera away. This could either go terribly wrong or terribly right.

"You're gonna be a hit!"

"I-I don't like h-hitting," Mikey stuttered.

"Not like a literal hit, you idiot." Bob insulted.

"Okay, calm down, I'll be back in a bit," I said, running upstairs.

I shoved the SD card into my laptop with my shaky hand. The video slowly downloaded as I hurriedly posted it to YouTube. My fingers hammered down on the keys, typing: "REAL, TALKING FISH!!" Seems mainstream enough. I hit the upload button as excitement shuddered through me. This was gonna be good.

Several Days Later...

"Oh my god, guys, we have 9 views!" I shouted at the fish.

"Okay? What's your point? Your first music video had more views than that, Billiebob." Gerard sasses.

"Billiebob?" What even?

"Well, are there any comments?" Ray asked, interrupting my questioning glare.

"Oh, uh, I didn't look."

"You didn't look at the comments?" Ray said.

"Ugh, such a noob," Gerard growled.

"Well, hightail your fins, boy, and go check those comments," Ray pushed.

"Fins?" I'm so confused but I run up the stairs to get my laptop immediately, almost tripping down the stairs on my way back.

"Okay, uh, we've got: 'totally lip-synced, you moron,' 'fish don't have hair,' 'this is nothing more than a media scam,' and 'omg.'"

"I believe I have every right to be offended," Ray snarled, his fro pouting.

"You didn't even have the common sense to post it on, oh, I don't know, GREEN DAY'S PAGE SO PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY LOOK?!" Gerard squealed from the bubbly cave.

"Well, Mike would probably send me to a mental hospital or rehab-"

"Then bring him over here ASAP! Geez, it's times like these I wish I had fingers so I could snap..."

"That's actually not a bad idea."

"The snapping or bringing Mike here?"

"Both but mostly Mike."


Heheh, I sense an interesting cliffhanger. Seriously, this story is insane.

Billie's Fish TankWhere stories live. Discover now