Chapter 3;

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The doorbell rang before I came running down the stairs to answer it. On the other side of the doorframe stood Mike, curious and unsure. He gazed long and hard at me, as if checking to make sure I was still "entirely there," so-to-speak.

"Are you just going to stare at me or what, man?" I asked, mildly creeped out. "Anyway... Over here are my fish friends."

"Da booty-ful fishy fish cult," Frank added.

"Frank, you don't even have a booty," Gerard sassed.

"No but you do."

"I'm a fish, Frank! Fish don't have butts!"

"Well, they kind of-"

"Hush your face, Frank."

Mike stood in awe and complete disbelief. His expressions ranged in various moods. I was scared to know what he'd say, if he said anything at all.

"That's- I don't even- How-" He stuttered.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer, hon'," Gerard swished.

"Gerard, calm your fishtits," Ray joked.

"My tits are not fishy."

"You don't even have tits."

"How would you know? Have you been checking me out? Gay! Gay Ray!"

"Is that supposed to offend me?"

"Not really but it rhymes."

"Teehee, Gay Ray," Bob muttered from his little sand pit.

"Shush it, Tob- Rob- Mob- Okay, nothing decent rhymes."

"Nice try, Toro," Gerard giggled. "What are you gonna come up with next? The Millie Billie Bajillie?"

"Stop trying, Gerard. Your insults aren't even decent," Ray scolded.

"Square up, Toro! I hope you brought your paintbrush this time because it's about to get ARTSY."

"Artsy Fartsy," Bob giggled.

"Just- No, Bob, you ruined it," Gerard rolled his eyes.

"Gerard, you ruined yourself," Ray added.

"Well, if anyone ruined Gerard, it was Frank last night," Mikey laughed.

"Mikey, why? Why would you say that?" Gerard frowned.

"Why would I say what? The truth?"

"Guys, calm down," I interrupted, trying to stop laughing.

"Don't get your fishnets in a bundle, Gerard," Mikey laughed, silently proud of his pun.

"I find that quite offensive," Gerard gasped.

"What does it feel like having Gerard's fish stick up there, Frank?" Mikey was getting too much enjoyment out of their discomfort.

"That's just cannibalism," Frank murmured.

"Mikey, this has gone too far," Gerard said, in all seriousness. "You've stepped out of line. Frank and I are just friends."

"That's like saying Pete and I are just friends."

"So you admit Petekey is real?"

"I never- Maybe- No- Depends, am I being recorded?"

"That's interesting... I'm just going to split up this argument now before I post this on YouTube..."

"You were recording this entire thing! Petekey is not real, I swear! Internet, Billie and my pals are liars! Don't believe anyone! Your fanfictions are weird!"

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