Chapter 1

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Hadrian nickname is hades.
Hades is six years old.
Adrian and Rose are twin and 4 years of age.


Hades pov

"Harry come on were gonna visit your mom dad" said Severus

"OK papa" said Hades

They go to the floo. Hades grabs the floo powder and throws it an the fireplace. Severus follows after.

Adrian pov

Adrian sees his brother hades come out of the fireplace.

"Hades" Adrian saids as he jumps on Hades with Rose following after.

"Want to play with us hades"

"Sure" said Hades

Hades, Adrian, and Rose go to the play room to play.

Severus pov

"Dumbledore doesn't know that I have Hades."

"Good Sevvy" saids Lily

"When are you going to take Hadies to Gringotts" said James


Smut warning

James pov

James slips his hand into Severus pants and put his finger and his ass.

"Aww" said Severus

"Let's take this to the room"

Severus, Lily, and James goes to their room and put up privacy wards as well as lock the door.

They get on the bed. Lily goes and gets a strap on.

"Take of your clothes sevvy"

Severus takes of his clothes and is now but naked.

James insert a finger into severus. And starts moving in and out of his hole.

" stop being a tease" said Severus

James adds another finger and starts  scissoring his fingers in Severus hole. James keeps adding adds another finger until his whole fist is in the hole. James begins fisting severus hole. James takes out his fist and wipes and on a wipe.

Severus begins to whine as James pull out.

"It ok baby"

Lily come back and straps the strap on to her. The strap on os about 10 inches long and 4 inches wide. She inserts the dildo into severus. Than James insets his dick into lily pussy.

Time Skip

Smut warning over

"That was amazing" said Severus

"Of course it was baby let get you two cleaned up"

James go to the joint master bathroom and starts the tub. Then pick up lily and Severus and puts them in the tub. He then begins to wash them. He then let's them stay in the tub while he washes the bedding.

He put another set of bedding on the bed than sets up the changing table and his bedroom.

He then goes and check on the kids to see that they are sleep. He picks them up and put them and there beds. He than goes back to his room and take a quick shower.

After the shower James drains the tub and drys lily and Severus off. When finished he picks up Severus and put him on his diaper. He does lily next. After he's done he dresses them in their silk night clothes. And goes to sleep.

Night clothes are at the top. Both severus are in shorts.

Time skip to the morning

Severus pov


hen I wake up I feel pain in my ass and remember what happens yesterday. Than I feel myself peeing. I shake James awake.

" Daddy I wet my diaper"

James than picks severus up and take him to the changing station.

James slides of his shorts. Than take his diaper off. James takes a wipe and wipes him. I moan and feel my dock wake up.

"Not now sevvy" said James

He then rub oil all round my bum and cock. Next he grabs a bottle and Sprinkles it on me. It baby powder.

I lift up my bum so James can slide my diaper on.

Time skip to breakfast

I'm making breakfast when lily come in and ask to help I let her. We make pancakes, eggs, bacon, and grits. James walks in and set the table. 5 min later Hades walks and with the kids.

"Mornings mom, dad, and papa." Siad Hades

Morning Hades, Adrian, and Rose the adults say.

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