Trip to Gringotts

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After they finished eating they got dressed.

Hades pov

Severus - 'Hades time to go


We went to the other house thought the flou. When we got there papa (Severus) put a glammer on us to change are looks. Papa then told me to grab him and we apparted to the leaky cauldron. We went into Diagon alley. Then went to Gringotts

When we went in I waved to the goblins.

Severus- We would like a inheritance test.

Griphook the goblin said. Another goblin popped up and told us to follow them.

We passed offices until we got to one that had Griphook on it. We walked in and sat and the chair across from the desk.

Griphook- yall wanted in inheritance test.

Severus- yes also can we get a birth certificate

Griphook- ok put 7 drops of blood on each paper l.

Griphook handed papa a dagger.

Severus- I'm gonna slice this against your finger ok.


I said ok

Papa the sliced it against my finger and 7 drops of blood came out the it closed the dagger cleaned it self.

Birth certificate

Hadrian James Potter Prince Black

Father - James Charles Potter, Severus Tobias Prince

Mother - Lily Luna Potter nee Evan

Blood adoption - Sirius Orion Black

God father - Sirius Orion Black , frank longbottom

God mother - Alice longbottom

God sibling/s - Neville frank longbottom

Siblings - Adrian Severus Potter Prince, Rose James Severus Potter Prince

Guardian - Severus Tobias Prince

Core - Gray, Merlin level

Magic Ability - Parseltoung, Parsel Magic, Wandless, Wordless, Animagus, Metamorphmagus, Hyperthymesia, Sense Magic, All Speak, Shadow Walk

Lord to - Gryffindore,  Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherine, Riddle, Hogwarts, Merlin, Peverell

Heir to - Prince, Black, Potter

Creature Inheritance

Hadrian James Potter Prince Black

Creature - 40 % Dragon, 30 % Phoenix, 30 % Dark elf

Mate/s -  Death - dom sub, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy - dom sub, Tom Marvolo Riddle - sub

These are his mate ls but on paper it said unknown.

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